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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After buying these fruits and vegetables, there are three more green grids and three more white grids, and Goosen plans to take out a green grid to store water, and he doesn't want to save tap water, so he wants to collect some mineral water that is not yet polluted.

After almost a week of tossing and turning around all over the country, Gusen's storage had an extra million cubic meters of mineral water. These mineral waters are said to be drinkable directly, and they are very sweet and clear to drink.

Gusen also specially took a sample of each sample of mineral water collected in various places to do a test, the result is indeed no problem, can be directly drinkable, microbial and bacterial content have reached the national drinking water standards, even much higher than the national standards, which makes Gusen very relieved.

In a few years, these high-quality water sources will be occupied by a large number of Warcraft, which is really a pity to think about.

In addition to these mineral water, Gusen also bought several machines to produce pure water, he plans to store some processed pure water in the lattice to drink, although the mineral water is good, but before drinking it still want to boil, pure water does not have this concern, can drink directly, more convenient.

After returning to China, I bought everything for a few months, and it was almost the time of winter vacation. Gu Yang's child was also born, and it should be more than two months now.

The name of this child is the same as the previous life, it is still called Gu Nian, given by Gu Weiguo. Gusen prepared a silver long-life lock for this nephew who had just met, a few hundred yuan of gadgets, and no matter how expensive things were, they would not be in line with his status as a poor student today.

Gu Sen did not say the specific time of his return, and when he arrived home, Liu Suyu was still shopping for vegetables outside. The house was very quiet, the air was full of milky smell, probably the sound of him closing the door alarmed the child, and the crying of the baby was heard in the house. After a while, I heard the crying quiet, Li Xiaoli came out of the house, saw Gu Sen, who was a servant of the dust, and smiled very politely.

"Komori is back, sit down."

Gu Sen nodded, and then took out a small box from his luggage: "Sister-in-law, give, this is the long-lived lock I bought for Niannian."

Li Xiaoli opened it and looked at it, casually put it aside, and said with a smile: "You are still a student, don't spend money indiscriminately."

Li Xiaoli asked a few words about how Gusen was in school, and Gusen replied casually, but in his heart he was thinking about the two investment opportunities that appeared this year. It is said that the money in his hand is enough, but most of the money is not honorable, Gusen also plans to buy a suite, that suite is also what he has long been optimistic about, the price is not cheap, there must be millions.

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