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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Although Gu Sen was annoyed in his heart, he also knew that if he wanted to clean up that light beast, he would not think about it, and if he didn't kill this gold-eating beast, he would have to die in a while.

Although the gold-eating beast was injured a little because of the infrasonic wave, it also recovered extremely quickly. After all, it is a Warcraft, and its physical fitness is amazing, which will make its vision and hearing have recovered a lot.

And Gusen, who was initially overshadowed by the light system monster, still kept his eyes closed, relying on hearing and smell to judge the position and movement of the other party.

Probably because of the loss that he had just eaten, this gold-eating beast did not rampage as at the beginning, but carefully walked around Gusen, wanting to find the other party's mistakes and omissions, in order to kill with one blow.

This gold-eating beast is not that kind of fool, it keeps its distance in a position as it walks around Gusen, and from time to time it stretches out its claws, and the metal on its body seems to be alive, tentatively moving towards Gusen.

This distance is very clever, just in a range that can be dodged in time, as long as the gold-eating beast judges that Gusen is going to launch a sonic attack again, then this distance, combined with its speed, can easily dodge most of it.

Although his eyesight has not recovered, Goosen can clearly sense all the movements of the other party, including those metal that secretly wants to come and attack.

After probing back and forth a few times, the gold-eating beast determined that Gu Sen could not cause too much damage to it from a distance. Immediately let go of his heart, the metal on his body also seemed to be stimulant, and dozens of metal spikes instantly bulged out, like dozens of cold and shining little flying swords towards Gusen.

In Gusen's perception, the activity trajectory of these metal spikes is like a slowed down three-D GIF, and their movement trajectory has been clearly displayed in Gusen's mind. Gu Sen jumped a few steps, leaned to one side, and then jumped violently to the left for a full seven or eight meters.

If it was before the end of the world, this jump would never be a length that humans could never jump out, but in the Fusion, this jump would be nothing. With sufficient physical strength, it is no problem to let Gusen easily jump more than ten meters without accelerating.

The timing of this jump was just right, and it just dodged those metal spikes. The reaction of the gold-eating beast was also extremely fast, seeing that Gusen dodged over, and before he landed, those metal spikes had already changed the trajectory of movement and swarmed. Gusen twisted his body in the air in time, and his body fell sharply, and he could avoid this wave.

But after two minutes of effort, Gu Sen's forehead has already broken out in a layer of cold sweat, and it is too physically exhausting to expand his perception with all his strength, if he can't solve this guy in a short time, this high-intensity physical consumption is enough to consume him to death.

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