Chapter 1. Everything's Normal

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*I don't own the image. It is taken from Google.*

{Gianna's pov}

"Mamma!!" I shouted as a container's truck came dangerously towards our car.

"Get down Anna, protect Ami!" Dad shouted from his driver's seat. I hugged crying Amelia, my little sister, tightly as the truck collided with our car. A sudden huge pain traveled from my brain and my legs still, I held Ami close. Mamma tried reaching for my hand and whispered, "Stay away from... Black Panthers..." soon after whispering, she slipped in deep sleep.

"Mamma! Wake up! Daddy's hurt! Please wake up!" I shouted while wincing in pain. I got no response though.

*Whine* "Mamma!! Daddy!!" I shouted as I held Amelia in my arms, she was shocked in fear and was crying.

A sudden sharp pain attacked my head and I lost my consciousness, the last thing I saw was Amelia's hazel teary eyes.


I sprang up from my sleep and gasped. Sweat, tears, headache, and slight pain in the heart...the worst nightmare I had after such a long time.

"Mmm... Anna? What happened?" Ami asked in concern.

"Nothing...just had a nightmare."

"Oh, c'mon, it's 'nothing'? Don't lie with me." Ami hugged me and rubbed my back softly.

"Right... Black Panthers..." I whispered, as this was the first time I realized what Mamma was saying back then.

"What? Did you say something?" Ami asked in confusion.

"Uhh yes, water. Can you bring me a glass of chilled water?" I asked her.

"Glass? No, I think a bucket of water will do for you, as you drink a lot of water." Ami said with her 'Duh' tone.

"Ugh, I can serve myself, forget it." I said as I took my cane and stood up.

"Wait, I don't want Charlie to wake up so early and run around asking for food." Ami said as she rushed out of the room to bring water for me.

I sensed Amelia's steps in the room, she took my hand and gave me a glass of water.

"What time is it now?"

"It's 5:17 now." Amelia said, I nodded.

"Go brush and do your morning routine, I will make breakfast for you." I said she responded with a yes and rushed to the bathroom. I picked up my cane and went in the living room. I think Charlie sniffed my smell, so he came running to me and started rubbing against my leg.

*Giggle* "Charlie, sit. I will bring milk for you." I said as I rubbed his head. Furthermore, I started making breakfast as soon as I finished, Amelia came out of the bathroom.

"Your turn." Ami said, and I nodded. I rushed to the bathroom and completed my morning routine. I came out and heard the clinking of dishes. Ami must be washing her dishes.

"Be fast, I have to go to buy groceries." I said.

"Do you want a lift?" Ami asked me.

"Oh? Sure I guess..."

"How will you find your way back?" Ami asked me in concern.

"Don't worry, I have Charlie with me." I said, and Charlie barked, to which I responded in giggling.

Soon, I locked our apartment's door and rushed to get in a taxi. Amelia dropped me at the superstore and went to her school. With the help of cane and Charlie, I was able to locate lots of household stuff and after paying I left from there. I reached the apartment and started cleaning the house. To be honest, it was very hard for me in the beginning, as I am blind and Amelia has to go to school to study. We don't have any relatives to help us, and so we had to depend on the savings of our mom and dad. They saved quite a lot, but we had to think of a way to earn. So I decided to open a small coffee shop just beside our apartment.

Now I have got used to doing household chores and running the coffee shop perfectly. I get many pity and sympathy acknowledgments from the customers, but I never accept their huge tips. I do my work honestly, so I should be honest with my customers too... I feel upset when some people come to the coffee shop just to mock me and throw pity at me, to which I just shrug them off.

Anyways enough of thinking, I should open my coffee shop by now, the sun is shining, I can feel it on my skin.

I opened the coffee shop with the help of Charlie and started my new day cheerfully.

I opened the coffee shop with the help of Charlie and started my new day cheerfully

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A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a novel in Wattpad, I'm a bit scared yet at the same time excited. Hopefully all the readers enjoy the journey of reading my novel.
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