Chapter 7. Her Past

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{Author's pov}

It was past 11:15 pm, Xavier was going through some documents when he heard a knock on his office door.

"Come in." He said in a low voice and sighed. Anyone could tell, he was exhausted and in need of strong coffee to awake his senses.

Adam came inside and stared at Xavier. Xavier raised his head and one of his eyebrows, signaling him to tell what was the matter.

"Boss, we have investigated those boys, they're not from any gang, they frequently visited the coffee shop to tease Ms. Allen, uh I mean Gianna. We have brought them to our headquarters. We need further instruction from you." Adam said and took a breath after reporting everything to Xavier. Xavier was giving all his concentration to what Adam was saying.

 Xavier was giving all his concentration to what Adam was saying

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"Hmm... I will personally deal with this tomorrow in the morning. Have you got more information on Red Blades?" Xavier leaned on his chair as he addressed Adam.

"No sir, they're hiding well from us and laying very low these days," Adam said, making Xavier sigh in frustration.

"Add more men, investigate them properly, they have guts to send me and my family threat letters. When you find some clues, inform me, I'll drag them to hell myself." Xavier said as he clenched his palm in a fist.

"Capisco," Adam replied and turned around to go out. [Trans: I Understand.]

"Aspettare! Grazie, Fratello." Xavier said, making Adam halt in his steps and turn around to face him. He moved towards Xavier's desk and leaned towards him, making Xavier lean back with a confused frown on his face. [Trans: Wait! Thanks, bro]

Adam placed his hand on Xavier's forehead and checked his temperature.

"Non ti senti bene? Vuoi che chiami il tuo medico di famiglia? O forse chiamare l'ambulanza?" Adam said, making Xavier frown more. [Trans: Are you not feeling good? Do you want me to call your family doctor? Or maybe call an ambulance?]

"Get out!" Xavier exclaimed and pushed Adam's hand away from his face, making him guffaw.

"Chill dude I was just teasing you, anyways why the sudden change?" Adam asked him, but he got a threatening glare from Xavier, which made Adam rush towards the door.

"I'll go! I'll go, old man." Adam exclaimed and closed the door behind.

Xavier sighed and started packing his stuff. He decided to take work home and get some rest after completing his work at home.

~At Gianna's home~

Gianna was humming a song and making dinner. She heard the front door opening and a rough and tired voice shouting, "I'm home, Anna!" Ami shouted, making Gianna giggle, "Alright, go take a quick shower." Gianna shouted back.

Gianna picked up a container and opened it, she smelled and tasted the salt. She smiled and added about one spoon of salt while stirring the soup.

Soon, after a while, Amelia came rushing to the dining table and started gulping down her food like a Neanderthal.

"Ami slow down, eat slowly, will you? Or else you'll choke on your food." Gianna scolded her.

"! I am hungry as fuck! I am so exhausted, today was the worst day, Anna! Furthermore, I want to sleep as soon as I finish eating." Amelia went on and on, making Gianna chuckle softly.

"You're just like a child," Gianna commented, and Amelia started pouting.

"I'm not!" Amelia exclaimed and Gianna just shrugged at her.

"Okay, you should eat slowly and sleep well, remember I have a guest coming tomorrow so come home by 7 pm," Gianna said and heard Amelia gasp in shock.

"Oh shit! Fuck! Tomorrow is Saturday! I've to submit my assignment which is half left!! Forget the guest! Anna help me! Please!" Amelia begged Gianna, making her giggle and nod.

After dinner, Gianna helped Amelia with her assignment, after finishing, Amelia went to sleep beside her while Gianna stayed awake thinking through her memories.

Gianna was already graduated at the age of 19. She only went to give the exams as she was taught through braille. It was an easy way, and she was intelligent enough to pass all exams and graduate early. She paid her fees by earning from a pet clinic where she used to work, her job was to bathe pet dogs, while other employees used to do other stuff like grooming and drying their fur, treating wounds, sprains, etc. She was saving money from her job, her parents left lots of savings for her and Amilia too, so somehow Gianna was able to buy a small shop just beside her apartment and she was able to open her coffee shop with the help of her savings.

Gianna met Charlie when she used to work at the pet clinic. Someone abandoned him there and for days didn't come to pick him up. The owner of the pet clinic saw Gianna's affection towards Charlie and allowed her to adopt the dog.

Gianna and Amelia's mother Freya used to love making different food dishes and beverages, Gianna used to concentrate carefully when her mamma used to work in the kitchen. Gianna, soon after her parent's death, started practicing what her mother taught her, as she had to feed her little sister Amelia. It was hard for her as she couldn't see, sometimes she would add the wrong ingredient, but still, her little sister ate happily whatever she made for her, there were times when she would burn her hand by mistake. Those times were painful for Gianna, but she has managed to survive till now, and she will continue to do so until her last breath.

Gianna sighed and yawned as her eyes started blinking. She arranged her pillow and laid beside Amelia, hugging her and drifting to deep sleep.

~Next Morning~

"Amelia wake up! You'll be late!" Gianna shouted in her ear, making her groan in frustration, Amelia turned and buried her head deep inside the soft pillow. Gianna frowned and took a deep breath. She picked up the jug of water from the bedside table and poured it all over Amelia. Amelia sprang up and gasped.

"I'm up! Up! See." Amelia said with a big scowl on her face and glared at Gianna. "Stop with the I-will-kill-you look and go take a bath," Gianna said, ruffling her hair.

"Hmph, how do you even know I was glaring at you," Amelia asked her. "You already know... I can feel it and I know you very well, and you know me very well, now get up fast!" Gianna scolded her and spanked her ass so that she can move faster. Amelia gasped again and ran towards the bathroom, not wanting to get spanked again, which made Gianna giggle. She went ahead in the kitchen and made breakfast.

Waffle with chocolate sauce, orange juice, and toast with some fruits.

Amelia, Gianna, and Charlie had their breakfast and Amelia left for her school. Gianna took her wallet and Charlie for shopping. She decided to keep the coffee shop closed for today, as she had to clean the apartment and prepare dinner for guests.


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