Chapter 18. A Night Stay At Moretti Family Mansion

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{Author's pov}

"Eek!! Hurry up everyone! My friends will be arriving very soon!" Brinley exclaimed in excitement for the hundredth time. It was weekend after all, she was informed that the car she sent already had picked up Amelia and Gianna.

Lorenzo and Grace looked at each other and sighed, Brinley was continuously making all the maids clean up whole mansion and arranging flowers here and there.

"Brinley your friends are coming for night stay right? You're acting up as if they're coming here for some important occasion." Grace said as she pointed out at her excited actions.

"Mom! You'll love them! They're special to me, I never had any friends like them." Brinley started explaining excitedly but at the end of her sentence, her voice became somewhat sad. Grace frowned as she saw Brinley making a sad expression, she knew that all the friends Brinley made in past were behind her family's fame or money and some came close to Brinley just to run behind Derek or Xavier or Adam, just to trap them.

"Dear, if you're saying they're special to you, then we'll believe you." Lorenzo said and brushed Brinley's soft hair after patting her head. Brinley became emotional and hugged Lorenzo.

"See you spoiled my make-up, now I'll have to apply it again." Brinley giggled and pouted.

Lorenzo chuckled, Grace was just silent but after a while she said in a strict voice, "No need to apply those stupid things, go and wash your face, be natural. We like you the way you are, no need to change yourself." Brinley pouted and rushed towards her room to clean off her make-up.

A man wearing a black suit, came up to Lorenzo and spoke in a husky, emotionless and strong voice, "President, one of the family's car have arrived with two ladies inside, they already showed the access card, shall I allow them to enter?" Lorenzo nodded once and signalled him to leave. The man gave Lorenzo and Grace a salute and left from there.

"Honey would you like to have some tea?" Grace asked Lorenzo to which he responded, "Not now darling, let Brinley's friends come, we'll have tea together." Grace nodded in response.

~Half an hour ago~

"Gianna I'm telling you, this must be a scam! Let's jump off the car!! Stop the car!!" Amelia exclaimed anxiously. Gianna frowned as she was getting a bit irritated by Amelia's constant urge to run off or jump off or hop off from the car.

"Calm down, the driver already let us speak with Brinley before getting in the car right? Why're you scared?" Gianna shrugged.

"Ugh! You don't understand! That driver looks super scary! This car is too expensive and big to be called a 'car' it's a freaking limo!!!" Amelia shrieked while speaking.

Gianna gasped when Amelia told her about this. Gianna was simply guided inside the car, she felt suspicion when Amelia didn't get on after her. When she called Amelia to get on, Amelia silently obeyed because she was terrified and confused.

Gianna and Amelia held each other's hand and trembled in fear.

"Anna, what if that voice of Brinley was fake? What if we're being kidnapped?" Amelia clenched her teeth as she felt helpless. She looked at driver who never spoke one word, he was driving with an emotionless face, he had not even one different expression except that weird frown.

"E-Excuse me? Will it take more time to reach there?" Amelia collected her confidence and asked the driver.

She got silence in response.

After a while they stopped in front of one huge gate, the driver gave the black card to security guards who also looked as scary as the driver and the driver exchanged a few words with the security guards.

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