Chapter 13. You Are Not A Burden

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{Author's pov}

~Summary of previous chapter~

Brinley, Amelia, and Gianna went out for shopping and fun, Gianna realized that they were being followed, but she ignored the fact as Amelia and Brinley didn't notice anything.

Xavier got the information about them being followed by one man and the man poisoned himself as soon as he was caught.

Xavier called Adam to know more details, but he came to know that Adam was visiting his deceased parents. He thought about how Adam became his family and how close they had become.

Brinley decided to stay at Allen's.

~Next morning/episode~ (lol)

"Wow...this delicious aroma makes me wonder if I can stay with you forever..." Brinley said as she came out of Amelia and Gianna's room yawning, listening to this Gianna laughed and greeted her good morning. Gianna placed a plate of croissants and donuts, orange juice for herself, hot chocolate milk for Brinley, and Amelia.

"Did you wash your face and brushed your teeth?" Gianna asked her in a fake strict voice.

"Yup," Brinley answered as she sipped her hot chocolate milk.

"Wait, I'll wake Ami, or else she will be late for school," Gianna said as she stood up from her seat.

"Mmff waaeeth Zaavee weell pick usf," Brinley said with her mouth full of a donut. Gianna giggled and gave her a napkin to clean her mouth.

"Sorry, your food is just so delicious hehe...well I was saying, when I woke up Xavi called me that he will be coming to pick me up, Ami can come with us, we will drop her at school with Rek."

"You mean Xavier and Derek?" Gianna asked her and she nodded. "Thank you so much, that's very kind of you and your brothers, but still I have to wake her up or else she'll make you guys wait for her," Gianna said and sighed. Brinley nodded her head.

~After a while~

Amelia woke up and was all ready to head for school, but as soon as she saw Derek at the front door with his big brother she scowled like she was very annoyed. Derek smirked whereas Xavier stood still with his signature expressionless attitude.

"Fratello let's go," Brinley said.

"Uhh, Brinley you go, I'll manage myself, thank you," Amelia said as she looked at Derek who had this annoying smirk the whole time.

"Huh? Whyyy? We agreed to go together right??" Brinley whined like a small child making Amelia sigh and Gianna giggle.

"I- Yes! Anna has to go grocery shopping! I've to drop her, so I am not coming with you guys, goodbye!" Amelia exclaimed and she turned around. Gianna cocked her head in confusion.

"I was not planning to buy grocery today...we have enough stock--" Gianna trailed off as she heard Amelia's voice.

"Pssst! Sshhh! Yes! That's what I am saying, the stock is about to get over!" Amelia said and gave a wry smile to Xavier and Brinley, not bothering to look at Derek.

"Anna come with us! We'll drop you at the grocery store too!" Brinley said and smirked. She saw Amelia glaring at Derek and Derek smirking, somehow there was a high voltage spark between them.

"That's a good idea!" Gianna said and smiled.

"Good idea my foot!" Amelia whispered-shout ed, "You see...but she can't see, right? She needs Charlie by her side!" Amelia said and folded her arms.

"Oh give Charlie one day off, will you? If Anna brother can keep her company, right brother?" Brinley said as she looked threateningly at Xavier who was beside her the whole time. Xavier looked at Brinley then at Amelia, and lastly, at Gianna, she was clutching the hem of her white silk dress filled with beautiful roses, which reached till her knee and the dress made her look like a pure goddess. Xavier cleared his throat to speak, "Of course, if Gianna wishes, I can help her in any way possible." This made Gianna blush and she nodded. She ran towards her room, stumbling twice, to pick her purse and coat.

It seemed like Brinley was playing the role of matchmaker here, and she was proud of herself about this.

Xavier, Derek, Gianna, Amelia, and Brinley left from there towards their school and dropped Brinley first at her school, then Amelia and Derek and at last, it was just Xavier and Gianna left alone in the car. Gianna seemed pretty nervous whereas Xavier glanced at Gianna a few times like he was trying to learn all her features.


"Uhm... Mr. Moretti I--" Gianna was cut off by Xavier.

"It's Xavier, Gianna." This made Gianna's ears go red in shade. The way her name rolled off from his mouth felt so sexy yet a bit cold.

"Y-yes can drop me here, I can get a taxi, I don't want to disturb you in work hours," Gianna said to which Xavier chuckled for a second.

"Gianna... I can take today as my day off." Xavier said in a tone like it's obvious.

" won't need to inform your workplace about your leave?" Gianna asked him and cocked her head in confusion.

"She's beautiful and innocent, a great combination." Xavier whispered under his breath, "Huh?" Gianna didn't hear him.

"Of course not. I'm the boss. I can take leaves any day and at any time as I wish." Xavier said as he stared at Gianna for a few seconds watching her blush in embarrassment and went back to concentrate driving on the road.

Xavier smiled slightly as he likes to watch her blush somehow.

"We're here," Xavier said as he pulled up his car at the parking plot and unbuckled himself. He went ahead to help Gianna with the belt and help her out of the car.

He held her hand tightly and escorted her inside the big grocery supermart. Gianna walked silently beside him, not knowing how to react or how to start a conversation with him.

Xavier helped her buy everything she needed and even bought her things she didn't need.

"Xavier let me pay, please?" Gianna asked Xavier for the hundredth time but in vain.

"No. I'm paying," Xavier said with a little stern voice.

The middle-aged woman cashier chuckled and said, "Young lady, why not allow your boyfriend to pay for you, he will feel happy." Gianna blushed and opened her mouth to correct the lady, but she heard a beep sound which means while the lady was teasing Gianna, Xavier went ahead to scratch his card and pay for her.

"Wah...? How..." Gianna trailed off as she was tucked by her hand and pulled out of the supermart by Xavier.

"Xavier let me pay you, I don't want to owe you anything anymore, it'll be a burden for you," Gianna said as she sighed. Xavier ran his hand through his soft and shiny black hair and held both of Gianna's shoulders.

"Gianna hear carefully, I'll say this for only once, the next time you'll get punished I swear!" Xavier said, "What kind of punishment...?" Gianna asked as she cocked her head in confusion.

"You'll know if you make this mistake again," Xavier said and smiled at her naive nature.

"You are not a burden, and you'll never be one. Mark my words in your heart, mind, and soul." Xavier said and hugged her.

"At least let me do this for you as your friend, you'll not repay me or owe me anything okay?" Xavier said, and he felt her nod as he continued to hug her.

"You'll be my friend?" Gianna asked as she seemed as if she was unsure.

Xavier sighed and pulled her towards the car, helping her sit in the passenger seat, he helped himself to the driver's seat and said, "I'll be your friend." This made Gianna smile cheekily and clutched the hem of her dress. She started humming a song, Xavier looked at her and realized how melodious her humming was, it was as if an angel from heaven, has graced him with her beautiful voice. A smile broke out in his lips while he was driving.


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