Chapter 47. Muffins As Heirloom Recipe

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Amelia submitted the assignment to the professor with Derek, the professor stared at both of them suspiciously. Derek stood with both of his hands in his pocket, unbothered to even look at the professor whereas Amelia was staring daggers at the assignment, worried about what score they would be awarded.

"Did you both do this report assignment yourself or you made one of your minions do your assignment?" Professor asked in a stern voice, making Amelia flinch. Derek looked at Amelia who had her shoulders drooped in nervousness, it was his first time to see her like this.

"Should I call my Fratello to reconfirm if we did this stupid assignment or if one of our minions did?" Derek outright shamelessly blackmailed the professor making him cough and widen his eyes in fear. Amelia snapped her head at Derek and glared at him, pressing her lips together as if controlling herself from cursing her throat out at him.

"S-Sir you can ask the botanical garden managers, we took permission and did our assignment by ourselves honestly!" Amelia said and sighed in relief when the professor looked convinced and after checking the report gave them a perfect A+ grade making Amelia smile brightly whereas Derek scoffed arrogantly at the professor.

Amelia and Derek went out of the cabin and gave a high five to each other for scoring a perfect grade together. Suddenly they realized what they did and stared at their hands. A light shade of blush climbed her cheeks whereas Derek rubbed his hair and looked away in shyness.

"Hey! Amelia! Come with us!" Milly, Sam, and Max came rushing toward Amelia, and she looked at them in confusion.

"Amelia don't waste your time here, come with us, someone has prepared a surprise for you!" Milly exclaimed excitedly while swinging Amelia's arm up and down in excitement making her frown in frustration.

"What surprise? Who is it?" Amelia asked in frustration, whereas a nerve popped into Derek's head, but he stood silent to listen to her friend's utter shit.

"You won't believe who is it! Just come with us now!" Sam said and started dragging her by her arm and she followed them to the place where they took her. Derek stood seething on his breath.

"These people...! Why am I getting angry!? I don't care about her!" Derek said and punched a wall pillar nearby and instantly regretted doing so as he winced in pain, but he decided to follow them in curiosity.

There stood a handsome, tall, and muscular man with all Amelia's friends chatting with them. He had hazelnut color hair, and he was so handsome that all the people passing by were staring their eyes out at him, few of them thought he was some celebrity or fashion model. As soon as Amelia reached, she gasped and ran towards him. He spread his arms wide to let Amelia hug him and they both hugged each other as soon as Amelia clashed on his chest. He picked her up and revolved her around while laughing.
Looking at this dramatic reunion, Derek stood with wide eyes and clenched hands in anger. Amelia had this bright smile, she never showed to Derek. The man named Romeo D'Angelo, let her go and made a fist bump with her while laughing.

"Amelia! It's been so long! How have you been?"

"I'm great, Romeo! How come you're here!?"

"Just some work and all... so tell me, how's the training going? Are you practicing daily?" As soon as Romeo asked her, she looked away and sighed. Romeo instantly understood by her lack of response that she had been neglecting her practice sessions.

"Didn't I tell you to attend regularly?" Romeo said in a strict voice. Amelia brushed her hair nervously and said,

"Well... forget it, I'll tell you the whole scenario later, first let's go have some lunch!" Amelia said excitedly, making Derek seethe in anger. As soon as they started walking towards the cafeteria, Derek came in between and kept a firm hold on Romeo's chest, stopping him from going any further. Romeo got confused and stared at him and back at Amelia. Amelia frowned and signaled him to go away, but Derek ignored her.

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