Chapter 39. Gianna Goes Missing

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(A/N: This chapter contains abusing words and mild violence, proceed at your own risk.)

Gianna was very surprised when she heard a woman's voice openly insulting her. She soon realized that the woman was not alone.

"Yeah you're right, you know, our family was going to offer our daughter's hand for marriage as proposal for Xavier Moretti, who knew this sl.t would manage to flirt and manipulate him into bringing her to this important event which is limited to only close relatives and businessmen associated with the family!" Another woman exclaimed shamelessly, without caring about Gianna's feelings.

"I don't even know what Xavier saw in this blind doll, she seems like a beautiful flower which would wilt in just a while!" All the women gathered started laughing.

"I have heard many models and businesswomen have wanted to have a relationship with him, but he was just so hard to reach, how the hell this b.tch managed to bewitch his mind!?" The ladies continued to gossip and trigger Gianna. Gianna started trembling in embarrassment and disgust for her disability. Still she mustered her courage and stood up, she focused where the voice was coming from and strode towards them. When she reached near them, they got silent, yet they smirked and scoffed.

"I apologize to interfere in your conversation, but I think you're being very rude by talking about me in front of me like this." Gianna exclaimed politely yet sternly.

"Like we care. What'll you even do if we talk even more about you, b.tch?" A woman exclaimed and scoffed.

"First you should clean your eyes and look at your position, then talk to us, you rag-doll." A young woman around Gianna's age commented while looking at Gianna disgustingly and jealously.

"Oops! Dear, you forgot, she's blind! She can't clean her eyes, even if she does so, it's useless for her! She's a blind I tell you" All the ladies started laughing at her.

"Please, I'm requesting you for the last time, stop insulting me like this, I'm not how you guys are trying to portray me. Please stop being rude to me... what would all of you do if you were in my position? I don't mean to insult you in any manner, but I don't like the way you all are insulting me." Gianna exclaimed a bit loudly by standing up for herself, gaining the attention of some groups. Soon, Xavier and others realized the ruckus and were coming near the site, but it was late for everyone.

A woman got so angry that she gave a tight slap on Gianna's face, making her fall on the ground. What the women didn't knew was, everything was being recorded by someone since the start of their drama.

"How dare you b.tch! Don't you dare cross your limits, you don't know who I am! You dare to teach me manners!? If I was in your position, I would have sat in a corner of some hospital and not some elite party, I can't believe how Mr. Xavier Moretti even decided to bring you in as his partner!!" The woman roared in anger, Xavier and others reached near them and were shocked to see Gianna lying on the ground with a hand on her cheek to hide the swelling and redness due to the slap. Xavier soon rushed to pick her up, but Gianna shook his hand away. He was surprised when she did so. Looking this, Amelia went near her and tried to hold her arm to pick her up, but Gianna slapped her hand away too.

"No one will touch me!" Gianna shouted and slowly got up by herself, her tears had already begun streaming down her face, but she cared less about her tears but more about her dignity and self-respect at that moment. Xavier ordered the guards to drag out the guests who insulted her, but Gianna held a hand in the air to stop him from doing anything. Xavier had this guilt stricken frown on his face, for the first time in his life he was feeling helpless, he had this huge urge to shoot the minds out of those people with his gun. He clenched his fist in anger, controlling his temper so that Gianna could stay longer with them, but Gianna was ignoring him sadly.

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