Chapter 24. Xavier Knew It

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Bonus! Diwali and New Year Bonus! LOL

While everything was happening, Gianna was busy munching her dinner. The dish was her favorite, she couldn't control her hunger looking at the dish. Nails.

Yes, she was biting her nails as her dinner in worry and tension. Charlie barked, looking at her pacing here and there in worry. Charlie followed her every step and paced here and there with her while waging his furry tail.

"Charlie, why're you following me? Sit." Gianna said, which made Charlie bark loudly as if saying no. Charlie placed both his paws on Gianna's stomach and stood up in standing position while waging his tail.

"Aww, you want me to spend time with you? Come, let me first give you some treats and then let's play." Gianna exclaimed and Charlie continuously barked excitedly as if there was no tomorrow.

Gianna and Charlie played for some while with Charlie's toys and then both went to sleep. Gianna was tired to even move to her bed to sleep, and she didn't even have her dinner, as Amelia had not yet arrived, as she always eats her dinner with Amelia. Gianna hugged her fluffy cloud-like dog Charlie and drifted to deep sleep on Charlie's small bed.

Amelia arrived late at night around 1 am after getting treated from hospital, she tried to be as silent as possible and chuckled silently seeing her sister hugging and sleeping with Charlie on his precious bed which he never lets anyone touch except Gianna, yes, not even Amelia, his closest second friend after Gianna. Amelia went to wash up and change into her nightwear. She decided to not disturb Gianna and went to sleep alone in their room.

~At Moretti Mansion~

*Sniff*"No..." Brinley said when her parents and brothers asked if those thugs touched her inappropriately or if they teased her in any manner.

"They just hit me few times because I was trying to free myself from them many times. They thought Amelia was my mother because I had talked to her this morning, so they called her and blackmailed her." Brinley said while tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her father and mother both hugged her tightly, whereas Xavier clenched his fist in anger, trying to control his temper. He glared at Adam, who was silently standing looking at the floor, feeling very guilty.

"Brinley... whatever the reason was, you shouldn't have left Adam's side even if it made you feel upset. You know the reason we kept you in our home, not allowing you to go outside these many days, right? Then if you do this kind of things... how are we supposed to protect you?" Grace said softly, trying to make things understood for Brinley. Lorenzo silently nodded at his wife's words, agreeing to what she said.

Derek sighed and went in his room, he had his own worries... Amelia reached safely or not? Did she get her wound treated properly or not, how to plan his next move to gain Amelia's attention, and Amelia this and that. Amelia planet was revolving around his mind and heart.

Xavier again moved his attention from Brinley to Adam. He was not going to blame him completely, as he knew it was Brinley who ran away from him. Brinley told him and their parents whatever happened after she ran away from him, but what happened before her running away was still unknown to him.

"Let's go Adam. I suppose you already know we have a 'lot' of work piled up." Xavier exclaimed in a stern voice and went away from there, not even giving Adam a chance to utter a single word. Mr. and Mrs. Moretti left from there too because they sensed the tension between the kids and decided to give them space. Brinley and Adam were left alone in silence. Brinley stared at Adam's wet clothes and hair... she had also got a little wet while getting kidnapped, but Adam got more wet due to rain than anyone.

Adam started walking away from the living room when Brinley stood up instantly and held his hand, stopping him from moving further.

"I'm really sorry for running away from your side, I know shouldn't have done that... You should take a shower and change your clothes, you'll get sick. Please?" Brinley said in a soft, guilty and sad voice.

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