Chapter 49. Ending Everything

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*Gianna's pov*

"Gianna, why're you so silent?" Xavier asked me as he traced my soft hair.

"I'm thinking about what should I do now." I said and sighed.

"Nothing, just marry me. That's all." Xavier said in his husky voice, I could feel his love for me, I could feel he doesn't want to give up on us, but I know that's not possible now.

"So childish. You know your guards came to ask me while searching for me, I was so shoc--" I tried to change the subject, but he interrupted me,

"What childish? This is no child's play, I'm being serious here, my queen! Marry me, will you? I can do a thousand times proposal, but I won't hear a 'No' for an answer." Xavier said in a stern and possessive voice, and I shook my head dejectedly.

"How about 'Never' for an answer? Xavier I'm telling you, it's impossible now, forget me, live ahead happily, find your true love and find yourself a better half for you and finally marry with her." I heard him sigh, and he left my hand which he was holding earlier and stood up. I heard a huge bang of the door, following rough and fast footsteps going further away from the door. I guess I made him angry, but it doesn't matter, I don't think our relationship was going to continue for long.

I took my cane from the nightstand and slowly went to the garden, where I could hear Charlie playing enthusiastically with his friends. I called him out, and he came dashing to me in just a few seconds, making me giggle at his antics. I rubbed his hair and hugged him.

"Charlie? Won't you hug me too?" I asked him in a soft low voice, which made him bark, and he stood on his paws hugging me back. I rubbed his back and slowly my tears started flowing down my cheeks, staining his fur with my tears. Charlie sensed my sadness and whined. I sniffed and wiped my tears and rubbed his head.

"Charlie? Can you do one last favor for me?" I asked him softly, and he bent his head to the side, expressing his confusion, making me chuckle softly.

"I know you don't understand me completely, but... this might help you understand my intention." I said and touched his collar-belt which had his name pendle. Charlie got tensed and moved a few steps away from me. He barked at me and growled as if he instantly came to knew what I was about to do, I know I must have gone crazy, but I knew this is for his own good. Call me wicked, selfish, b*tch, witch, egoistic, or whatever, I will accept it all, for his happiness. I wiped my tears and moved closer to him.

"Trust me, Charlie. Just a minute, come here. This is all for your happiness." I said and patted his head. I clicked open the collar belt and removed it, making him bark continuously at me in anger. He even tried to catch hold of my hand.

"I know, I know, I'm really sorry, I'm a bad friend right? Forgive me, go live happily with your friends here. I could never give you such a good family than this, trust me, dear." I said and pushed him slightly without any force. He barked at me in anger and came near me. I shook my head, denying his actions. He groaned and in anger teared a piece of cloth from my dress, I let him take the piece of cloth as a memory.

"Sure, take it, Charlie. I will take this collar belt as a memory of you..." I said and wiped my newly flowing tears, with that I tied the piece of cloth which he teared, around his neck. He whined, and he put his paw on my hand, stopping me from going anywhere. His whines made my heart ache with pain very badly, I will forever regret abandoning him, but he deserves happiness, which he will never get being with me.

"Trust me Charlie. This is the last time I'm asking you for something. You will be really happy here, I'll talk with Mr. and Mrs. Moretti to allow you to stay here..." I said softly and stood up. I started walking away, but then I heard Charlie bark loudly, and he started chasing her, hearing his steps, I folded my cane and without looking back I ran towards the backdoor. I soon reached my room and locked the door.

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