Chapter 29. Scandal And Separation

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[Author's pov]

Many days passed since the dinner date, Xavier and Gianna always kept contact with each other and went on small dates when they had time. Whereas, Brinley continued to become close with Adam. Amelia was busy preparing for her final term exams, whereas Derek was busy enjoying his trip in Dubai. Everything was peaceful, but it's popularly said, it's silence before the storm.

A post on social media started spreading like a plague and reached the eyes of news, media and public. The renowned mafia leader and businessman, who rarely appears in front of eyes of public, is having a secret date and in a relationship with a blind girl. The photos included Gianna's cane, which was placed near her seat. Xavier's assistant sweated in fear as he presented the report of the scandal and people involved in starting this spark. A vein popped in Xavier's hand as he clutched his hand tightly in anger.

"Riporta in vita questa donna in due ore, non aspetterò oltre." Xavier seethed in anger and threw the report file across his office room, making it bang on the wall and fall with a huge thump.

[Trans: "Bring this woman alive in two hours, I won't wait any longer than that."]

After an hour, Xavier's phone started ringing. He was surprised and tensed when he saw it was Amelia calling him. He picked up the call, and soon he heard Amelia's scary voice.

"YOU DEVIL!! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN HARM MY SISTER!?" Amelia screamed and panted a few times. She was doing her evening jog when she came across a newspaper stand and saw a large Xavier and Gianna's photo in the front page. She gasped as she discovered he was a Mafia leader.

"What do you mean by that?" Xavier's calm voice made her groan in anger.

"Listen we didn't offend you in any manner, please leave my sister alone okay? I heard you two were dating... break up with her. RIGHT NOW." Amelia warned, but Xavier chuckled.

"Who're you to decide what I should do and what I shouldn't?" Amelia gritted her teeth hearing this.

"I am Gianna's real sister, for god's sake! Do you think she will be able to handle this scandal and mafia stuff mentally and socially!? She already has tons of problems in her life! If you even have a pinch of pity for us, then break up with her. It would be good for you and my sister both. If I knew about you previously... if I knew you were in mafia I would... that's why when you came at our house for the first time, I thought I had seen you somewhere before... f*ck how bad my memory is!" Amelia huffed and took a breath, trying to calm herself down. Xavier went silent for two minutes.

"It's not just my decision... Gianna has the right to decide on this too. Amelia, I'm suggesting you to stay silent for today, this matter will be sorted out by me as soon as possible and no would dare to harm you or Gianna in any way, I assure you regarding this. I will place a full time security in disguise around your apartment. Please just stay silent and cooperate for some time. Don't tell any of this to Gianna, when the time comes I'll let her know everything." Xavier sighed after talking too much. Amelia stayed silent for a few seconds and took a deep breath.

"I understand... but I will not promise you that I'll be able to keep this matter hidden for long, if any immediate situation arises I'll instantly reveal everything to her." She said.

"Alright, I'm hanging up the call, if that was all you had to say." Xavier hanged up the call and rested his head on the headrest of his chair. Soon he got a notification on his phone about the arrival of a woman who started spreading the photos of their date.

He called his assistant and told him to wait until he reaches the mafia headquarter from his office.

When he reached there, his lady guards were already waiting for him at the entrance, standing in stiff attention position. They saluted their boss respectfully as soon as Xavier entered the premises. Xavier signalled his assistant to bring all his lady guards with him to the underground prison, where the lady waiter was captivated.

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