Chapter 51. Winner With Wounds

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A/N: I am not very knowledgeable about boxing, but I tried my best to make it easier for readers to understand, please bear with me if I have made mistakes about the sport, no offense towards it.

[Amelia's pov]

I continued hitting the punching bag with all my strengths, as I trained for the match in the evening.

"Come on, Amelia, the doc is here. Stop tiring yourself now, you have been practicing since morning." Romeo said, making me stop in my track. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves down and wiped my sweat dripping down my face.

"I don't need a doc? Let me train myself, I have to make a place for myself in tonight's match." I said and was about to continue punching the bag, when he teared open the belt of my boxing gloves. I glared at him, but he gave me his own dangerous glare, making me sigh in defeat.

"Let's go." I said, and he smiled in relief, making me shake my head in anger. The doctor did some physiotherapy exercises, trying to check if any of my joints, muscles or bone is paining or not. He prescribed me some exercises and vegetable juices for daily diet.

"See? I told you! I am totally fine, there was no need of that doctor!" I said and huffed.

"We should always be careful, right? I have trained you after so long, I wanted to check if you're perfectly in good condition or not." I glared at him in response.

"And may I ask what that punk is doing here for?" I said, pointing at a man standing in the lobby of the gym entrance.

"Well... it was me, I told him the address." Romeo said, looking anywhere but not at me. I glared daggers at him, I wish I could drill a hole in his brain.

"Never ever repeat this again, or else I might make you my boxing opponent next time." I said and walked out towards 'him'.

"Why the hell are you here?" I said as I faced him.

"Do.not.go." He said in a stern voice.

"I.WILL.GO. Mind your business, get lost." I said in a very, very rude manner because I was fed up by now.

" I said in a very, very rude manner because I was fed up by now

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"It is my business. I won't go unless and until you agree not to go there anymore." He said and brought his face dangerously close to mine.

"God dammit! Why don't you understand!?" I screamed, making all members in the gym look back at us. I got conscious of my voice and decided to talk calmly and solve this matter once and for all.

"I understand Amelia! But don't you know how dangerous underground boxing matches are!? You could even die, and they don't give guarantee over your life! Think about your family! What you are doing is immaturity!" Derek exclaimed loudly. He's right. I know everything. But I won't give up on my hard work.

"Alright." I sighed in defeat.

"What? What 'alright'?" He asked me.

"I won't go." I said and turned around to go back to gym to collect my stuff.

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