Chapter 30. Heartbroken

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(Brinley's pov)

I have been trying to gain Adam's attention since a few days, but he is like a rock! Even if I try to get close to him, he just makes some kind of excuses and goes away from me. This makes me sad. Very sad.

Maybe he's right, I am being immature. I am still young, and I should focus on my studies. I have already reached my limit...

I think I should give a last try before completely giving up like this. I should go and meet him, and convince him to go on a date with me today.

I leave my room after getting ready and search for him in the whole house, but he's nowhere.

I called Derek and came to know that he had left for my brother's branch office here in Dubai to find some hackers and do some work.

He has vacation for god's sake! Why is my brother draining him in work!? I decide to go to the office.

When I reached there, security forces already recognized me, so they let me in without questioning and showing any ID proof cards. I entered the elevator and reached 11th floor where Adam's cabin was, he literally has two floors for himself, so I will check both floors. He was not there in his office, so maybe he's in his lounge area. I went to the 12th floor and entered the lounge area which had everything one could imagine. I was gawking at the interior designs and amenities present, when I heard a woman's chuckle coming from Adam's room.

I slowly started walking towards his room, her voice started becoming clearer and my heartbeat started becoming like a chopper machine. I reached the door, and it was slightly opened ajar. Adam was sitting relaxed in his comfy chair near big windows with a beautiful view and behind him a hot woman with platinum-blonde hair was touching his cheek and leaning above him showing him something on his laptop.

"Look it was so simple. You should've called me sooner, I would have solved everything for you hottie." The woman spoke as she had this teasing smile on her face while softly brushing her fingers on his face from behind as if seducing him. Adam just scoffed and smirked in response not finding it necessary to reply or remove her hand from his cheek.

I started hyperventilating slowly, I couldn't control this huge pangs in my heart. My eyes started filling with tears unconsciously, and I clutched my fist tight.

I entered the room making a creaking voice of the door, alerting both of them. The woman stood up from the leaning position and rearranged small wrinkles on her dress. Adam also stood up in surprise, he was totally not expecting me to come here. But I had to because this was my last try and change which Adam himself destroyed.

"If you were not interested in me, then you should've told me way before I came here to Dubai. I had asked you many times if you had someone you liked or not! Forget it. It's a waste of time. It's totally my fault, I am the immature one here. I'm really sorry for disturbing your life and you guys. Please enjoy." I said and instantly went outside without glancing back even once. History is repeating again.

Adam ran behind me calling out my name. This time I didn't ran away though. I stopped in my tracks. Adam reached near me and turned me around to face him by pulling my arm.

"Brinley you're misunderstanding everything. It's not like what you saw. I am telling you this is a misunderstanding. You are not at fault, it's me. Blame me." He said while huffing. He is not even telling me why she's here and what they were doing and why was she so close to him.

"No. Don't stop me this time. Adam... I... ugh just please forget it. I will not disturb you anymore, and you don't have to worry about my feelings, I'll take care. I'll tell my brother also not to disturb you and let you enjoy this rare vacation. You at least deserve this much for all the hard work you do for our family." I said and again turned around after walking a few steps towards the elevator, I found a trash can. I heard the door closing behind me. I think he went inside the room.

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