Chapter 56. Cooking Together

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Derek went back to home with a bad mood, Amelia had pestered him a lot. He wanted to run away somewhere, and not face her anymore because he knew his feelings would come out if Amelia stayed persistent. Derek rubbed his hair roughly, trying to figure out what he must do to forget her completely, and to sooth this pain in his heart.

He let himself fell on the couch tiredly and leaned on a pillow. He closed his eyes, only to get called by his elder brother.

"Derek? Why are you sleeping on the couch? Did you wash yourself after coming back?" Xavier nagged like his mother, making Derek frown.

"I'm not sleeping, I'm just tired." He said, and opened his eyes, to see Gianna standing beside him, handcuffed to him. A laugh escaped from his mouth as he got astonished by the view.

"Gianna!? Why are you here? And why the hell are you handcuffed to him!?" Derek said, pointing at their hands.

"Umm..." Gianna turned her head down and blush made its way to her cheeks. Xavier looked at her and stared her for a few seconds before turning to Derek.

"It's her punishment, now mind your business and go get a shower. Come for dinner on time." Xavier said before turning and dragging Gianna behind towards the kitchen.

"Strange couple." Derek commented before climbing the stairs and going back to his room.

"So? Shall we continue?" Xavier asked Gianna, and she nodded in response.

"We need to add black pepper, salt and chili sauce next." Gianna said, Xavier started taking out the ingredients. Gianna frowned as she was getting uncomfortable in cooking while her one hand was cuffed, Xavier noticed this and chuckled. He went behind her and they both started cooking together. Gianna smiled and offered him a piece of tomato while cutting, he ate from her hands and laughed.

(A/N: I apologize about the quality, trust me the quality was so good but compressing the GIF to 3mb makes GIFs become so

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(A/N: I apologize about the quality, trust me the quality was so good but compressing the GIF to 3mb makes GIFs become so... dull and unclear? Anyways, it's for illustration purpose, please bear with me readers.)

"Why did you suddenly decide to cook with me?" Gianna brought up the question which was pestering her since a while. 

"Well... it's no fun to sit and talk the whole day, so I thought why not do something new today. And I think my family will love your dishes, I personally consider you a master chef." Xavier said, making Gianna giggle, his heart started pounding hearing her laugh today this much after so long. He gave her a kiss on her cheek in an attempt to not let that beautiful smile fade away from her face ever again.

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