Chapter 17. I Wish I Could

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{Author's pov}

"MOM!! GIVE MY PHONE BACK!!" Brinley shouted as soon as she came down from her room on the first floor.

"Stop screaming like an animal, will you?" Grace Moretti said. [Mrs. Moretti, Brinley, Xavier and Derek's mother]

"Mom...please?" Brinley pouted and said in a soft low voice.

"No means no!" Grace was as stubborn as Brinley.

"It'll be fine darling, just give her phone back to her for a while." Lorenzo Moretti exclaimed and chuckled watching both mother and daughter bicker. [Mr. Moretti, Brinley, Xavier and Derek's father]

"You people stop pampering and spoiling her like a small baby! You know very well why I'm being strict! She needs to get disciplined!" Grace huffed in anger and folded her arms.

"Mom... I promise--" Brinley was interrupted by a call on her phone. Brinley saw Amelia's name and quickly snatched the phone from her mother.

"You!" Grace shouted but Brinley shushed her instantly.

"Hi Ami! What's up?" Brinley smiled as soon as she picked up her call.

"Hi Brinley, I called you to ask, what's the use of this black weird card which Derek gave me today?" Amelia said.

"Oh? Derek must've forgotten to explain you it's details. That card is simply for main gate entry of our place. Just show it to the security when you come here." Amelia responded with "Mhm. Derek also said that a car will come to pick us? You won't be necessary, we can manage to come by our own."

"No, no, no, no. A car will come on time so be ready okay?" Brinley said in a fast speed and cancelled the call not giving Amelia even a slight chance to argue.

"Are your friends coming today?" Grace asked Brinley. Brinley corrected her, "Not today, on Saturday evening, they'll be staying for a night. Sorry I forgot to tell you Mom." Brinley said and Grace sighed.

"Emma!" Grace called out a maid.

Emma came rushing out of the kitchen, "Please clean the guest rooms, thank you." Grace said politely but Brinley caught hold of her Mom's hand.

"Mom! I want to sleep with my friends in Derek's room! His room is big and comfortable, he can sleep in one of guest rooms or my room." Brinley showed an evil smile to her Mom. Grace stared at her smile for a second, and then she smiled as if understanding what this little devil was planning.

"Do whatever you want Brinley." Grace said.

"Yes you can do whatever you want, this is your house too dear." Lorenzo commented while he was reading the newspaper and listening what Grace and Brinley were talking with each other.

~At Moretti's main branch company~

Xavier was in a meeting with his subordinates when Adam knocked on the door.

"Come in." Adam entered and whispered near Xavier's ear.

"Signore, Benjamin era in azione." [Translation: Sir, Benjamin was in action]

Xavier clenched his mouth in anger as soon as he heard Adam's words. Xavier dismissed his employees from the room.

"What's his problem...why is he continuously trying to poke in my business and family matters... Was he behind Brinley's murder attempt?" Xavier said in a low husky voice, trying to control his anger. Adam nodded at his question.

"Adam, order our men to go for hunting. If necessary contact "Le Fiamma Del Mondo" to send some men for this hunting." Xavier smiled slightly. [A/N: Refer chapter 12 if someone already forgot about "Le Fiamma Del Mondo"]

"Sure, the more, the merrier it will be for us to hunt him and his rats." Adam went out of the room after speaking his thoughts loud.


"Ouch" Gianna winced as she accidentally cut her finger slightly while chopping vegetables.

"Anna! I'm back!" Amelia shouted from the front door. Gianna washed her finger with water and responded, "Welcome Ami, how was your day at university today?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..." Amelia pouted and went in the room to change into her pajamas.

"Hm? What happened now?" Gianna asked her in suspicion as soon as she came back.

"That jer--" Amelia was interrupted by Gianna when she cleared her throat.

"I mean... Derek! He is so annoying!" Amelia huffed in anger.

"Did you had a fight with him again?" Gianna shook her head and sighed.

"No!! I didn't fight with him, we kind of had an argument with each other..." Amelia said in a low voice.

"Amelia...why don't you try to understand his actions for once? Maybe you'll know why he annoys you and why you get so annoyed by him? You used to take some things very lightly, but it seems like you're changing? Or is it because of him?" Gianna took a small breath as she finished expressing her thoughts about Amelia.

"W-what? I-I... What're you saying! I've not changed okay? I'm just like how I was, yeah! Furthermore, I can't change myself because of him! No! Never!" Amelia became confused and frustrated, she started blabbering weird stuff and rushed in the room and slammed the door shut.

"She'll never change." Gianna chuckled.

"Is this what everyone experiences? Teenage love?" Gianna started talking to herself in a low whisper.

"I wish I could experience this too...but it seems I don't deserve to be loved by anyone...who'll want a blind woman as their life partner?" Gianna smiled sadly and sighed. She applied cream on her finger cut and went ahead to serve dinner.


A small message from this unprofessional author;

This novel might not be very "perfect", it's also not up to the point to be appreciated very much, but this novel will teach everyone one lesson including myself.

"If you can't love people with disabilities, don't hate them. If you can't support them, then don't criticize them for asking some help from someone else. Don't hurt their feelings, they also have hearts like us, it's not like if they become blind, deaf or any other physical impairment they will lose their hearts too, do they? No, they don't. What everyone wants is to have someone who understands them, supports them, and not sympathize with them. They don't want your sympathy, they can manage themselves without your sympathy and pity. The definition of "Love" in any dictionary, any website or in any book, does not describe who can love and who can't.

No one is perfect in today's date, so I will learn to love, support and stand for the ones who're around me to live their life like normal humans, I will expect more people to learn this too."

~ Original thoughts from the author of "Mafia's Sweet Blind Love".

Thank you for reading and bearing with me.

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