Chapter 32. Unknown Relative Reunion

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Grace was somewhat worried about Brinley's studies and her future work life, so she added some conditions to accept Brinley and Adam's relationship.

"Brinley has to reach 21 or 22 years age before any marriage talks, Brinley you have to devote your full attention in studies and graduate successfully, you have to work for at least one or two years before getting married and last but not the least, Adam you have to support her studies and work before her marriage. If you both agree to these terms, then only I will approve of this relationship, or else forget it." Grace said in a stern voice. Brinley and Adam looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Moretti, I will make sure she is studying well, and I won't let our relationship interfere in her study and work life." Adam said, assuring Grace.

"Yes Mom, I also won't disturb Adam in his work and I will study properly, I swear." Grace nodded in approval.

"Don't call me Mrs. Moretti, you are a part of our family since ages now. Call me Grace or Mother would also do for me. It'll make me happy." Adam and Brinley smiled.

"Yes Mother. Thank you for everything." Adam said and hugged Grace. He then hugged Xavier and Derek too, as they played a major role in bringing them together.



Amelia yawned as she slumped on her desk, tired and bored by listening to the professor who was busy giving lecture on historical facts and artifacts. Amelia got a notification on her phone, she took her phone out of her bag and saw it was Brinley's message. They both started chatting with each other.

"Hi Amelia, hope you're doing great. Is your injury fine now?😟"

"Hi Brinley, I'm great and yes the wound is now partially healed, it needs some time to completely get healed, but it's fine now. How're you? How was your trip to Dubai?"

"Yeah, trip was okay-okay, but I messaged you to inform you something... Adam and I got engaged today☺️"

"WTF😱 Is this a prank!?🤪"

"Nope. It's not. We're really engaged. So we have decided to throw a small party this weekend. Both you and Gianna are warmly invited. I will send invitation cards soon in one or two days, please come okay?🥰" Brinley seemed very excited.

"Wow... romance season is going on or what?🤢"

"Why? Are you also dating someone😏"

"Noo... it's Gianna! Gianna and Xavier are dating, don't you know this??"

"Now this is news to me. Amelia, it must be a misunderstanding, I'm telling you. MY brother? Dating? NAH! Not in a million years. Not possible😂"

"🙄Why would I lie?"

"It's trueee!! Call your brother to reconfirm if you don't believe me." Amelia scoffed and kept her phone inside her bag.

Brinley greeted a small goodbye via text message and instantly called Xavier, who had earlier left for office. As soon as he picked up the call, she screeched loudly.

"Fratello!! Are you dating Gianna!?"

"Brinley, what kind of manner is this... no Hi, no hello, is this how you should talk on a call? That even with your eldest brother?" Xavier tried sounding stern, but he had this soft smile on his face.

"And is this how you should hide your relationship from me!? I am your dearest, little, sweet, innocent, beautiful, obedient, respectful, diligent sister, and you hid something this big from me!?" Xavier sighed listening to her exaggerated commentaries.

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