Chapter 11. His Dark Side

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{Author's pov}

It was late in the evening, Xavier took slow and calm steps towards the room in the corner. Some whispers were floating in the air, the big mansion was busy with footsteps and whispers of men working and talking among themselves. Yes, it was the headquarters of "Le Fiamma Del Mondo", situated in Venice, Italy. The main branch was in New York where Xavier and his family lived. Xavier's grandfather founded this mafia and passed it to Xavier's dad, later it was passed to Xavier so that the mafia's power remains known to the world. [Translation: The Flame Of The World]

When Xavier reached towards the room, he heard muffled shouts and sounds of chains. He entered the room and saw Adam already interrogating four boys whom they caught in the coffee shop harassing Gianna.

"Mmmffff!! Mff!" One boy was struggling very hard. Xavier signaled Adam to remove his mouth tape.

The boy took sharp and deep breaths and spoke, "W-We're sorry! Please let us go! We...we won't cause problems for Ms. Gianna again in the future! We promise." He said, and his three buddies nodded their head vigorously in approval.

"That's not the only issue here," Adam said and sighed. "Where do you get those drugs from and how do you pay for them!" Adam ordered answers from them in his cold, stern voice making the four boys shiver in fear.

"We work for BJ... Benjamin Julio. Our job is to handle payments when drugs get exported or imported. BJ sometimes gives us money or drugs in return. We sell those drugs and earn. That's all we know, we don't know from where those drugs come from and where they get sold." The boy said stuttering in his words.

"So... Benjamin ordered you guys to create problems for Gianna frequently and disturb her daily?" Xavier asked them raising one of his eyebrows.

The boys shook their head no, "We...we did that" the boy answered making Xavier scowl in anger and scoff in disgust.

"Do you know about some letters BJ sends people?" Adam asked him, they shook their head in confusion.

"Seems like they're of no use to us. Adam, you already know what to do right?" Xavier said and looked at Adam with a frown on his face. Adam nodded and took out his revolver. Xavier also took his revolver out, he loaded the bullets and pointed it at the boy who touched Gianna with his disgusting hands and shot him directly on his center of the forehead. He shot another boy and left from there. Adam looked at the two dead bodies and sighed, "You see...this is what you get when you anger the big boss." Adam said and shot the other two boys. He cleaned his revolver and signaled one of the men to clean up the mess.

Adam went towards the office and knocked on the door, he heard Xavier answer and went inside, "How is the situation in New York?" Xavier asked Adam as soon as he entered, "Everything's fine, Derek, Brinley, the Allens and Moretti family are safe and sound, no threat letters from BJ these days, seems like he is busy planning something or just too tired of fighting with us." Adam replied and took his seat on the couch. Xavier chuckled for a second and started thinking something.

[A/N: The Allens here refers to Gianna, Amelia, and Charlie XD, just informing to reduce confusion.]

"How about we go out to a club tonight? It has been ages since we came to Italy, we could find our old buddies if we have luck today." Adam suggested, Xavier stared at Adam for a second but then nodded.

"Shall I call them?" Adam asked him. "Whatever. Just leave me alone, I've to complete this pile of documents." Xavier said shooing Adam away, making Adam chuckle and runoff from his office.

~A Few hours later~

Xavier silently sipped his red wine, thinking about Benjamin and other problems of his company. Adam was in a serious conversation with their old friends. That's when a woman wearing a sleeveless short dress came towards them and started serving more drinks to them.

"Hey handsome, want some more drink?" The woman asked as she kept her hand on Xavier's knee. Xavier snapped back from his thoughts and gave a sharp dangerous glare at her, making her scurry off from there. His old friends chuckled and one of the old friends, Calvin said, "Xavier, when will you get 'seriously interested' in a woman? Perhaps are you gay?" Xavier turned to look at him and threw his 'famous' dangerous glare at him. He sighed and held his hands giving up.

"Okay, okay chill dude. My mistake, I picked up a bad topic," he said. Adam patted his shoulder in pity, "Don't worry man, he already has laid his eyes on a woman." Adam said but then when he realized what he said, he clamped his mouth shut with his hand. Everyone was shocked at first but then they chuckled.

"Seriously? Congratulations bro! How does she look like? Is she beautiful?" Calvin asked Xavier.

"Shut up," Xavier whispered. Xavier threw one last glare at Adam making him laugh in fear and Xavier left from the club allowing their questions to just hang in the air. But he knew Adam won't keep his mouth shut, a gossip regarding him never stays in his stomach for a long time.

Xavier and Adam left Italy the very next day after finishing all the work in Italy.

~At Amelia and Derek's school~

Amelia was sitting on the third bench of the big classroom, it was her favorite lecture, so yes, she was giving her best attention to the professor. Suddenly her back was hit by a paper ball, she turned a bit to look around who threw the paper ball, and her eyes landed on Derek, he was waving his hand slightly at her and giving her his best cheeky smile. Amelia frowned in anger and confusion.

'What the fuck is this guy doing here!?' She thought and glared at him which made his smile grow even bigger. Suddenly an idea popped in her mind like a firecracker!

"Sir, excuse me!" Amelia called the professor, making him stop explaining the concept, and he walked towards her bench.

"Yes, what is it? Do you have any doubts?" The professor asked her, she shook her head no and opened her mouth to speak, "Sir, that guy is not from our class, and he threw this paper ball at me." Amelia said as she showed him the paper ball which Derek threw at her. Amelia turned to look at him and smirked proudly about complaining but to her surprise, Derek smirked back at her which made her frown in confusion.

She turned to look back at the professor, he was opening the paper ball and read the contents written on it.

"What is this Miss Allen? Is this what you wanted to show me?" The professor asked her as he glared at her. She frowned in confusion again and looked at the wrinkled piece of paper.

"Call me, XXX-XXX-XXXX~Amelia." There was also a small heart beside the name. She gasped in shock and shook her head.

"N-No Sir! I didn't--" She was cut off by the professor.

"Shut up! Get out of the class! You are not allowed to attend any class today! Also, Mr. Moretti, you're sitting in the wrong class." The professor said Amelia looked down in defeat while Derek gave the professor a surprised expression with an "o" shaped mouth expressing as if he came in the class by mistake.
Amelia took her bag and books and rushed out of the door. She noticed her friends giving her a sympathetic look to which she scoffed. No one stood up for her, not even her friends for whom she fights with all her strength. Maybe they didn't notice Derek throwing that paper ball at her, and they didn't have any evidence against him to object in front of the professor but still, they should've spoken up for her for once. Derek had his mischievous smirk on his face as he strolled out of the class.

He spotted Amelia and went towards her, as soon as he opened his mouth to talk with her, a sharp and hard slap landed on his left cheek. He winced and held his cheek in pain.

"Shut the fuck up! I don't want to listen to even a word from your filthy mouth, you bastard!" Amelia screamed gaining attention from everyone near them. She turned on her heels and stomped away from him, from everyone and everything.

She felt this huge urge to punish him for what he did, and she punished him. Fair enough.


A/N: I know many readers must have noticed many chapters scheduled for publish, currently I am working on further chapters, this is the reason for scheduled chapters.
But I promise, I will provide two new chapters every Wednesday and Sunday. I apologize if I miss publishing any week, but I will try my best not to miss publishing chapters.

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