Chapter 41. Sign These Papers

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Gianna was feeling very impatient, it has been many hours since she was kidnapped, yet she was not rescued by anyone. She knew that the location of her kidnapping must be hard to find and others might not even know whom she had been captivated by. All she could do at that moment was to pray to God for her safety and to get free from there.

Whereas Amelia couldn't sleep for the whole night in worry, about her sister. Amelia called the police for help, but they told her to contact them after 24 hours of her missing. Amelia called some of her contacts from the underworld boxing clubs she had worked with and asked for their help, but they declined as Amelia had not participated in the fights since a few months. She felt so agitated and lost, Charlie came whining to her, as if asking her about Gianna's whereabouts.

"Don't worry Charlie, she will come back I will try my best to save her. Go eat your food." Amelia said pointing towards his food bowl, he just looked at the food bowl and looked away, going to his fluffy bed and going to sleep with a sad expression. Amelia sighed, she couldn't force him to eat when she herself had nothing since the whole morning.

Xavier told Adam to find some way to contact the Black Panthers. Adam came into action and told the men to call all the mafias they knew. Some men were sent to find the frequent locations where different mafias gather and visit. Finally, after trying for a few hours they got a number of a member of the Black Panthers. They called the number and a man picked up the call.

"Sei un membro delle Pantere Nere?" Adam asked him. [Are you a member of the Black Panthers?]

"Sì, ma tu chi sei? Cosa vuoi?" The man replied. [Yes, but who are you? What do you want?]

"Sono de 'Le Fiamma Del Mondo'. Siete stati voi a rapire Gianna? Lasciala andare, dicci cosa vuoi?" Adam said in a cold voice. [I'm from Le Fiamma Del Mondo. Were you the ones who kidnapped Gianna? Let her go, tell us what you want?]

"S-So what!? We don't want anything, my boss has not allowed us to reveal anything!" The man started talking English in fear and started stuttering. He immediately hung the call and switched off his phone.

"Fanculo!" Adam exclaimed in anger as soon as the call was cancelled. [F*ck!]

Xavier sighed and with a curious look stared at Adam.

"He gave a vague answer and told me that they don't want anything from us." Adam said.

"They don't want anything from us, so why did they kidnap Gianna? I just hope they don't take advantage of Gianna in a bad way." Xavier said as he facepalmed and groaned in anger and sadness.

"What if they want something from Gianna and not from us?" Adam said while thinking deeply. Xavier nodded in approval. He called the assistant inside using the intercom.

"I want all the details about Black Panthers, don't leave even a small unnecessary information behind. I want to know who they are and what they want!" Xavier said in a cold menacing voice like a flame in rage.


"Why're you not letting me go? What do you want from me Robert!?" Gianna said in a loud voice as she struggled to open her tied wrist. She was trying to escape earlier, so she got tied again.

"Well... wait a little longer, the thing I want from you will arrive very soon dear." Robert said making Gianna frown.

"Robert what you're doing is not good. Let me go, you don't have any right to force me to do anything!" Gianna exclaimed, and she stood up from the floor, ready to run outside wherever her mind takes her. But unfortunately, Robert caught hold of her arm and pushed her hard, she fell on the floor with loud thump and because of her thigh-length dress, her thighs got scraped in the process. Little blood started oozing out of her wounds and she groaned in pain.

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