Chapter 52. Charlie Is My Buddy

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A/N: This chapter is full of GIFs! I am sorry, I got too excited, but I tried my best to choose GIFs related to the situation. Please enjoy reading!

Xavier wiped his gun while out of the old warehouse after taking care of some thugs trying to make trouble with his export of goods by trying to hijack the cargo ship.

Adam stood leaning on the car, waiting for Xavier to finish and take out all his frustrations alone without interrupting him. As soon as he saw him walking out with a huge frown, he knew Xavier did not have enough and sighed while shaking his head.

Adam took the passenger's seat, letting him drive the way he wants. Xavier did not deny and went back towards the city in full speed, making it hard for their bodyguards to follow behind them in a row.

As soon as they reached the Moretti mansion, it was late in the evening. They heard a dog whine near the entrance, Xavier stopped his car and got out of the car, handing the car keys to the guards, Adam also unbuckled himself and got out. They looked at Charlie, who was sadly sitting near the gate.

"Waiting for her?" Xavier asked him as he rubbed his fur. Charlie looked up at him and whined in a low voice. Xavier could see tears forming in Charlie's eyes. Xavier got down on his knees and hugged him tightly.  Charlie woofed and kept his face on his paws, as if planning on sleeping at the entrance.

"This is not how a good boy should behave. Come, Charlie." Xavier said and stood up. But Charlie remained still on the ground. Adam was trying really hard, to control his laugh which came out as muffling sounds from his mouth. Xavier sighed and picked him up.

Charlie remained silent and let him carry all the towards the mansion

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Charlie remained silent and let him carry all the towards the mansion. Adam followed both heartbroken partners inside. Xavier kept Charlie on the sofa and stood in front of him like a pillar. Charlie looked up and tilted his head a little.

"From now on, we are buddies." Xavier said, Adam burst out laughing loudly. Grace, who was present at the moment, couldn't control her chuckle.

"Woof?" Charlie barked in confusion.

"We both were heartbroken by her, that means we both are buddies, do you understand? From now on, you will stay with me all the time." Xavier knew Charlie was in a great emotional turmoil, he had lost his life support, Gianna. So Xavier had to become a helping hand for Charlie. So he came up with this silly excuse to let Charlie stay with him all the time. 

"Come, let's go to our room, shall we?" Xavier said and signalled Charlie to follow. Poor curious fellow followed him obediently.

Upon entering the room, Xavier went to take a quick shower. Charlie sat on the soft carpet, near the bed. Xavier returned and waved his hand, signalling Charlie to come up on the bed. Xavier started showing him some photos of Gianna on his phone. Charlie barked excitedly, looking at her photos. Xavier chuckled silently and ruffled his fur. Xavier smiled as he looked at her photos while remembering her beautiful smile, expressions, voice, her soft wavy hair, her kindness, gentleness and all of her.

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