Chapter 42. Betrayed By The Loved Ones

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[A/N: I'm sorry for these many author's notes... this chapter contains suicidal thoughts, proceed on your own risk, suicide is not an option for any problem, talk to your loved ones or near ones if you have some problems in your life... Stay healthy and happy!]

Gianna was silent throughout the journey to Moretti Mansion, Xavier decided to take her there because it was safe for the time being. Adam called Amelia and informed her about Gianna and told her to come to Moretti Mansion to meet her. Xavier looked at Gianna through the glass mirror, she sat silently in the back seat in a corner, lost in thoughts.

"Amore... are you thirsty or hungry?" Xavier asked her in a low voice. Gianna's silence was the response to his question. [Love...]

Xavier sighed, and soon enough they reached the Moretti Mansion. As soon as the car stopped, Gianna left from the car by herself, not giving either of them a chance to help her out, she felt suffocated in the car.

She inhaled the scent of flowers and grass and the voice of the fountain. She widened her eyes in surprise.

"Why am I here? I have a home." Gianna's voice was very emotionless and cold. Adam and Xavier looked at each other. Xavier decided to silently guide her inside without answering.

As soon as she sat on the sofa, Brinley came running downstairs and rushed to hug Gianna. Gianna sat still without hugging her back. Xavier and Adam were very confused by her behavior.

"Are you okay!? Did they hurt you!?" Brinley asked frantically as she searched for injuries, she spotted the wound on her thigh and rushed to the Kitchen to bring the first aid box. She started cleaning the wound and applied ointment on it. After bandaging her, she thought Gianna would smile like she always does and hug her or thank her, but she got no reaction from her.

Brinley looked at Xavier in confusion. Brinley then realized and said,

"Gianna! I am really sorry... if I knew you were being insulted, I would have personally kicked them out." Brinley said, hearing this Gianna smirked but soon her emotionless expression came again. They had never seen that expression coming from Gianna at all. Grace, Lorenzo and Derek came out of their rooms when Adam texted them of Gianna's arrival and at that moment, Amelia also arrived.

"Are you okay, dear? They didn't hurt you that much, right? We were all worried about you." Grace said as she held Gianna's cheek. Gianna nodded slightly.

"Anna!" Amelia exclaimed as she entered through the main door and ran towards Gianna to hug her. Gianna stood still for a moment. Amelia looked at Gianna from head to toe and spotted a wound on her thigh.

"Does that hurt? Why did they kidnap you? Did they do anything to you!? Have you eaten something? What did they say!?" Amelia rained questions on Gianna. Gianna held her hand tightly and opened her mouth.

"I will answer. I will do so only when you answer me some questions." Gianna said in a cold voice. Everyone was surprised.

"Gianna, you must be tired, we'll talk later. Let's go to the guest room I--" Gianna kept a finger on her lips, telling Xavier to stay silent for a moment.

"I am talking with my real sister. My only blood alive. My only reason to live. I want my answers... then only I would be able to breathe." Gianna said silencing him.

"Did you already knew that our parents were the founders and bosses of a mafia called 'Black Panthers'?" Gianna asked, and Amelia stared at Gianna in confusion. Not only Amelia, the whole Moretti family was shocked, Adam and Xavier looked at each other in shock.

"No, absolutely not. I never knew about this!" Amelia said in response.

"But isn't 'Black Panthers' led by Robert Allen, your uncle? We found this out today while investigating." Adam exclaimed and Gianna nodded.

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