Chapter 10. Not Interested In Regaining Eyesight

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{Gianna's pov}

I was taken aback by his sudden serious question, I took in a sharp, deep breath, calming her nerves.

"No..." I whispered.

"You mean to have never considered upon treating your eyes?" Derek asked me to which I nodded.

"I never thought about this, when I was 9 years old, my family got into a car accident in which my mamma and dad passed away, doctors told me that Amelia only had slight injuries with one fractured leg whereas I was injured severely. I got a major injury on the head due to which the pressure on the optic nerve increased, and so I became blind. Doctors told me at that time that there was only a five percent chance of getting my eyesight back with an operation. It was too risky, I could've even died during the operation and I had to look after Amelia too as she was very young... I couldn't take the risk." I sighed and clenched the hem of my dress. If only I could see...*sigh*

"I appreciate your thinking, even when you were so small, you felt a responsibility towards Ami, but you know there might still be a chance now, what if that five percent of regaining the eyesight might have turned to thirty percent after so many years? Who knows, you just have to give it a try." Brinley said, and I heard Amelia humming in approval while eating her deserts.

"It's's not like I can't see at all, I can sometimes see outlines if I concentrate, sometimes the outlines are blurred, sometimes it is very do I explain this...uhh yes! Like drawing with chalk on a blackboard. I can sense how many people are around me, but if it is too crowded, I'm helpless," I chuckled but got silence in response from everyone, I cleared my throat awkwardly and said, "Anyways forget about me, Derek tell me, how do you know Amelia and what happened between you two?"

I heard Derek chuckle in hesitation and Amelia scoffed.

"Anna, forget it, it's a long story and an embarrassing one for him," Amelia said, I just sighed and shook my head.

"Whatever it is, you two should talk it out, don't quarrel all the time like today." I gave both of them a piece of mind, but Amelia huffed in frustration.

"Mhm, I agree with Gianna, Derek you should behave and talk about resolving the misunderstandings. I think it's getting late we should take our leave now." Xavier said making me blush slightly and I nodded.

"Gianna can I come again?? Please! Please!" Brinley squealed in delight and I giggled while saying Of course yes.

As I went towards the front door to see off Xavier, Brinley, and Derek, I heard Amelia call out Xavier for a second. I didn't mind them and giggled as Brinley was telling me her hobbies and her addiction to shopping.

"Gianna you should come with me for shopping next time! Your dressing style is awesome!" Brinley said making me giggle. "Really? I just ask Amelia to pick out floral dresses with soft fabric, it's light and comfortable for me." I said, soon I heard footsteps behind me, signaling Xavier and Amelia are back. I wonder what Amelia talked with him...

"Yes! I would like to try floral dresses too! Fratello! You have to bring me shopping tomorrow!" Brinley whined in a childish voice making me and Amelia giggle. I heard footsteps going away. Xavier sighed. Seems like Derek escaped so that he doesn't become her shopping servant. [Translation: Brother!]

"Whatever," Xavier said, and I heard him turning around.

"Gianna, thank you for the dinner tonight. I will contact you soon." Xavier said and walked away with Brinley, I cocked my head in confusion, I heard their car's engine start, I waved for the last time, and we went inside the apartment.

'What did he mean when he said, he will contact me soon?' I thought as I started cleaning the dining table and kitchen.

Amelia helped me and then we both rushed to sleep.

'Tomorrow the coffee shop will be closed...what should I do sitting at home alone? Amelia is going to her friends...maybe I can spend time with Charlie and rest at home...' I thought as I drifted into sleep.


{Xavier's pov}

She looks so beautiful when she laughs and smiles... I want to stare at her whole day and the whole night, she is really something.

I know I was wrong, I didn't think carefully before everything just came out of my mouth about her blindness. I was just so curious to know more about her, care for her, give happiness to her and treat her scars left from her past including her blindness, but I couldn't. I just met her not long ago, I don't know why I feel weird and think weird.

I was about to leave with Brinley and Derek when Amelia called me.

"Sì? What is it?" I asked her a bit curiously. [Trans: Yes?]

"I... Mr. Moretti, I'm really sorry about my behavior today, I don't take it to your heart." Amelia said with a hint of hesitation and fear. I just shook my head slightly and said, "It's Fratello or Xavier. I don't blame you for what happened today. I know that brat must have caused trouble for you, it is us, who should apologize." I said, but she shook her head, "No, no, no, don't be sorry. There are just some misunderstandings between us. That's all." Amelia said and I nodded.

"Anything else?" I asked her, a bit bluntly. Surprisingly she nodded which made me raise one of my eyebrows in confusion. She continued, "Mr- I mean Fratello, I think you seem familiar like I've seen you somewhere before, I can't remember where and this makes me a bit confused." Amelia said, my eyes widened for a second, but I managed to keep emotions in check.

"I think it must be a coincidence because I've never seen you before today, and I'm not some 'famous guy', so it must be a mistake," I explained. Amelia nodded, but I got a small hint from her weird expression that she wasn't convinced with my theory.

Now that I think, I've appeared a few times in news channels and newspaper when I caught hold of illegal mafia gangsters, drug dealers, and whatnot. She must have seen me there, but it must have slipped from her mind. That's a relief, but not 'permanent relief', I'll have to come clean if some situation arises in the future.

Amelia and I went towards the front door and I took my leave from there with Derek and Brinley.

"Fratello, what do you think about Gianna?" Brinley asked me while on the way towards home.

"Hmm... she's nice and polite," I said but Brinley gasped in shock which made me confused.

"That's it?" Brinley asked me with her wide eyes, they seemed like they would pop out any time if she widens them more.

"I have more thoughts about her, but you tell me, how's she?" I said with a hint of amusement.

"Well it's true that she's nice, polite, and beautiful, but aside from these things, she has a great heart, she cares for her sister and dog, which means she will care for her family in the future, she knows how to manage every situation even when she can't see, she's as strong as Captain Marvel and last but not the least, I'm sure she will become the best wife anyone would wish for! Fratello, you should think about pursuing her! I'm a huge official fan of her from today! If I was not straight, I would totally pursue--" I flicked her head when she was rambling and was about to talk shit.

"Behave." Just one word, she straightened her posture and did an action of sealing her lips. God, I asked only a few qualities but here she goes on and on with her unstoppable mouth.

I scoffed silently, Captain Marvel? Lesbian... No, no, no, absolutely not possible. Pursuing her... Hmm... I don't know, considering that I'm a mafia leader, not possible, she'll put herself into danger, and she doesn't deserve someone like me, I can't even come out clean about my profession in front of her, let alone be in relationship with her.

Anyways, I think we should reduce pampering Brinley, she has become such a spoiled babbling kitten.


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