Chapter 58. Gianna's Anger

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Brinley sighed for the hundredth time, and stared at the wall clock hanging in her room. It was 2:30AM at night! Adam was very, very, very late! Brinley huffed and banged the pillow she was holding on the wall clock. He had promised to meet her today, and give her some kind of gift, but he was nowhere to be found! She had called his assistant thrice and company twice, but she got no specific response.

"Hmph! Could have at least sent me a message, that I'm busy, or I can't come today! But, no!" Brinley pouted and looked at the clock again. She groaned and switched off the table lamp and lights, before going to sleep. She was staring blankly at the ceiling, and soon sleep took over.

It was exactly 5:15AM, when Adam returned from his business meeting tour. He was very tired, but he couldn't stop himself from visiting his fiancée. He silently opened the door, and saw a pillow lying on the floor just below the wall clock, he silently stifled his laughed and picked up the pillow. He placed it beside Brinley and softly rubbed her forehead and hair which were falling on her face, his hand stiffened when Brinley stirred a little, but went back to sleep. He sighed in relief, and placed a small velvet box on the bedside table with a letter, on top of it.

He laid down beside her, and stared at her sleeping face for straight half an hour or so, he smiled when he noticed her smile in her sleep. It was the best moment in his life, he wished if he could watch this scene, for the rest of his life.

Adam stood up from her bed, he gently kissed her forehead and was about to leave, when she held his wrist in an instant

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Adam stood up from her bed, he gently kissed her forehead and was about to leave, when she held his wrist in an instant. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at him silently.

"Brinley? When did you wake up? Forget it, go back to sleep, I'll talk with you in the morning." Adam said in a low tone, and held her hand which was holding his wrist.

"I woke up just now. Why are you so late? Why are you leaving me?" Brinley asked rapidly.

"I was in a business tour, my meeting got over late, and then I was preparing documents in the office, so I got here late, I'm sorry love." Adam said in a guilty tone.

"I'll scold Fratello for you, in the morning! Because of him, your workload has increased a lot!" Brinley huffed.

"No, don't please. Let him enjoy the preparations of his wedding, after all it is a once-in-life real experience." Adam said, and Brinley nodded slowly in approval. Her eyes suddenly fell on the box on the bedside table. She picked up the letter and velvet box.

"No, open it when I leave." Adam said, but he knew his little stubborn cat won't listen to him. She pouted and opened the box, she saw a beautiful chain with infinity diamond pendant.

"This...? It's gorgeous... but why suddenly a gift?" Brinley vaguely asked before opening the letter. Adam gulped and took a step back. Brinley read the whole thing and shot daggers at him in an instant.

"You...! I look like a koala to you!?" Brinley stood up with a pillow in her hand and spanked it on his face, making him laugh.

"Dare to laugh at me!?" Brinley was about to smack him again with the pillow, but he ducked down and took another pillow from the bed. Hence, pillow fight war began. 

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