Chapter 37. Love In The Air

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After contacting Adam and some investigators, Xavier came to know that yesterday a man had entered her apartment and stayed for around half an hour before leaving in a black Cadillac Escalade SUV, which was park in a blind spot, so the number was not much visible to be tracked down.

"! I already told my men to guard her apartment and not allow any suspicious activity happen in her neighborhood... Why the hell was I not informed of a man's arrival at her apartment!?" Xavier muttered in anger while he was driving his car in a dangerous speed. He called his secretary and inquired about why this kind of situation happened.

"Did I not tell you to increase the security and tell the guards to be on alert!? Few days ago a man comes and meets Gianna in a public place and today a man barged into her apartment! Have I hired you to just do formalities, eat and sleep!?" Xavier said in a very stern and cold voice.

"Sir I'll have to ask the security department for a report of the incident. Sir, please forgive my tardiness, I'll give my best to solve this issue." The assistant answered and stuttered a few times in between.

"Solve my foot! The 'incident' already happened yesterday! Now what will you solve!? I was not even informed regarding any of this! If I find even a speck of mistake in the report, I'll fire all the guards!" Xavier said and hanged up the call.

"I wish I could let her stay with us... but it's too early for us, and she might feel awkward about it." Xavier muttered and changed the gear of the car, slowing down as her apartment came into his view.

Xavier rang the doorbell impatiently and tapped his foot.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming!" Gianna's sweet voice came from inside, and she opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, Xavier engulfed her in a tight hug, inhaling her sweet and light perfume.

"Xavier? Is that you?" Gianna got surprised and smiled, but she was not able to hug him with both her hands as one of her hand was covered with dough batter.

Xavier took a whole look from her head to her toes, as if checking for any injuries. He again hugged her and sighed in relief.

"What has happened Xavier? Are you sad? Or are you stressed from work? Come, come inside first." Gianna was worrying about his odd behavior. Gianna took his hand with her other clean hand and pulled him inside the apartment. Charlie barked excitedly as soon as he saw Xavier, he was sleeping, but the noise of the doorbell woke him up.

"Gianna how're you?" Xavier stared in her eyes.

"Xavier, I'm fine but what has happened to you?" Gianna tilted her head curiously as she was washing her hands in the kitchen.

"Tell me very honestly, how did these slap marks appear on your cheeks and why were your eyes swollen?" Xavier kept both of his hands on the kitchen platform like he was interrogating someone.

"W-What slap marks? There are no slap marks, and I was just listening to an emotional movie yesterday, the movie's dialogues made me cry, you can ask Brinley, I'm not lying." Gianna said and rubbed her hands with a napkin.

"Why would I ask from Brinley and not Amelia? Amelia would be with you as she's your sister, Brinley doesn't stay with you..." Xavier already caught her lie.

"I-I... Xavier I'm telling you the truth, see? There are no slap marks." Gianna said and started making whip cream by mixing the ingredients. Xavier sighed and he walked towards her. He took the whisk away from her hand and kept it in the bowl. Gianna gasped at his sudden unexpected action. Xavier then picked her up in his arms.

"W-What're you doing!? Xavier put me down, I can walk for god's sake!" Gianna exclaimed in surprise.

"You can walk, you can talk, and you can speak the truth too, but you won't do any such thing." Xavier taunted her and scoffed. He carried her towards the sofa and kept her down, he sat beside her and took her hand in his hands, squeezing them softly as if urging her to share what had happened. Gianna understood his gesture and sighed before telling him everything that had happened yesterday.

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