Chapter 16. Amelia v/s Derek

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{Author's pov}

~At University~

Amelia was busy chatting on her phone with her friends during the lecture. That's when the professor made an announcement after he got a call from the head office of the school.

"Attention everyone, a new student will be joining us today for two courses. Please get along well with him and help him wherever and whenever needed." The Professor said and went back to his teaching. After his lecture, the new student came inside with his two hands in his pockets and glancing towards everyone. He spotted Amelia very soon and smirked.

Derek Moretti. Each and every girl in the classroom started gossiping and giggling among themselves.

Amelia was drinking water, when she saw Derek entering the class...her eyes popped out from her eye sockets, and she sprayed all the water on a girl sitting in front of her.

"Eeekk!!" The girl screamed as her hair and clothes all became wet, she glared at Amelia for a second before rushing towards the washroom. Amelia was still in a daze, staring at Derek.

"Hi, I'm Derek. My major is Business management, but I'll be taking two more courses from this year. Please take care of me." Derek finished his introduction speech and went ahead to find an empty spot to sit. He found an empty seat in front of Amelia, so he rushed and grabbed the seat before Amelia could stop him.

"You..." Amelia muttered while gritting her teeth.

"Yes, I'm Derek. Nice to meet you." Derek said and smiled at Amelia.

"Before you used to sit in this class with a reason of bunking, now you took two courses of lectures in this class...tell me what is your intention of doing these things?" Amelia said in a low voice. Derek smirked and shrugged. "I already said, I'll be taking two more courses for my self-interest, now hush lecture is about to start." Amelia frowned as she didn't get her answer properly.

The professor came in and started explaining on board.

Amelia was trying to get a proper view of the blackboard, but Derek was continuously blocking her view. Amelia gritted her teeth again in anger and decided to sleep on her desk. She thought, "Forget about the lecture, who cares."

~During Lunch Break~

*Ting Ting*

Round 1, Amelia Allen v/s Derek Moretti

Amelia smiled politely (fake smiled) and went to Derek with confidence and determination.

"Hey, Derek..." Amelia called him and Derek looked at her.

"Just say, what can I do for you, to make you change seats with me?" Amelia asked politely with a polite smile...ahem fake smile.

Derek thought for a second before answering, "Become my girlfriend." Amelia's mouth twitched in anger.

"Nope, not gonna happen. Never." Amelia said.

"How about treating me as your boss. Become my servant for an entire week." Derek said and smirked. Amelia's mouth twitched even more, and she clenched her fist in anger.

"Nope, I've my reputation to protect." Amelia said.

"Tell everyone that you like me." Derek said and smiled brightly. Amelia's nerve in her head was about to burst open.

"Nope I don't wanna lie!" Amelia exclaimed.

"Alright, no changing of seats then!" Derek said and went back to chatting on his phone.

"Hmph grumpy old man!" Amelia said and went away from him.

Amelia thought, "He's so makes me so mad! Ugh."

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