Chapter 53. General Became Private

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(Gianna's pov)

I feel incomplete without Charlie and him. By him, I mean Xavier. They have already made their places in my heart. Now my heart is crying out loud and thumping in aggression, as both of them are now far away from my reach.

To be very honest, it is really hard without Charlie to live normally. He was always there for me, whenever I was in need of anything. It was a magic how he knew to take care of me. 

I wonder, how is he doing right now? Did he have his food properly, on time? Did he sleep enough? Did he play all day long? Did Xavier play with him too? Are both of them missing me? And many more questions revolve in my head, all the time. 

Today Amelia left early, saying she had to exercise or something, it was fishy as she never left to exercise this early in the morning but whatever, it's not like everyone tells me everything, somehow I have become used-to with people hiding things from me.

I was slowly pacing around in the kitchen, trying to find stuff around the shelves to find the requirements to make my breakfast. 

Suddenly my foot got stuck by the dining table chair and I fell down harshly, I screamed in pain as I clutched my ankle and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I whimpered in pain, I felt some blood oozing out immediately after I fell, I know I was being illogical when I let Charlie stay back at Moretti Mansion because without him, I realized I can't do anything. Call me anything because I deserve it, idiot, stupid, immature, selfish, b*tch, or anything, I know I've made a grave mistake.

I dragged myself, using the chair, I stood up but cried out loud in pain when my right foot touched the floor for a second. I instantly sat on the chair and kept my hands on my forehead, trying to swallow down the pain I was experiencing.

"Why am I so hopeless!" I exclaimed and kept my head on the table while crying until all the tears got dried out in my eyes

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"Why am I so hopeless!" I exclaimed and kept my head on the table while crying until all the tears got dried out in my eyes. I cannot leave the wound untreated, I have to start learning how to manage myself from now.

After a while, I gathered strength and stood up, I exerted pressure on my left foot and hopped towards the couch where I had kept my cane. 

I searched for it, and after finding it, I rushed out of the apartment. I locked the door carefully and hopped towards the sidewalk to hail a taxi. I sensed that someone was watching me, so I turned to look but being blind is a great disadvantage for such circumstances, being unable to do anything, I got impatient and decided to ignore this creepy feeling.

"Taxi!" I exclaimed loudly while signalling and fortunately a taxi stopped in front of me.
"To the City Hospital, thank you." I said in a rush as the taxi driver greeted me.

(Xavier's POV)

"What are these rubbish ideas! Do we provide such level of professionalism to our clients!? How could you people even suggest these project designs when you all know what are demands they requested!" I exclaimed and glared at everyone present in the meeting room, they all looked down while Adam had his arrogant smirk on his face as if he was enjoying my temper.

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