Chapter 54. Together Forever

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A/N: Kursi ki peti band lijiye, roller coaster ride hai! (Trans: Tie your seatbelts firmly, roller coaster ride is ahead!)

Xavier brought Gianna to 'Le Fiamma Del Mondo' headquarters, a place where he never brought his past girlfriends, and a place he considers as 'hell' for his enemies and 'heaven' for his subordinates working for him. 

Gianna gasp loudly as soon as she heard many people bang their feet on the ground in attention position, welcoming their boss with utmost respect. She flinched at the loud thuds, and was even surprised when they saluted her by using 'Futura regina!' which confused her more, and she started turning her head left and right in search of Xavier's hand.

She felt his hand hold her back, as he signalled her silently to start moving. He took her to the training area first, where she could hear loud bangs of different firearms being shot and some people boxing, while others doing vigorous exercises, everyone stopped for a second to greet their boss and went back to their work again.

The area was filled with smell of sweat, Gianna shivered as she began to imagine the firearms like guns, rifles, shotguns, etc. being shot. Xavier dragged her out of there and took her to the fighting area, where she could hear many groans and sounds of fist clashing, she could sense, everyone was training to fight here. Gianna got very confused, why was Xavier taking her for a tour, when the answer in their broken relationship was herself.

Xavier then decided to take her to the worst part of his mafia world, he took her to the underground basement, from afar, Gianna could hear screams of pains which made her flinch and shiver in fear. As soon as they entered, she felt a huge storm of blood smell, rushing in her lungs, making her gag a little and close her mouth and nose with both of her hands. Whereas on the other hand, Xavier chuckled looking at her behavior, which made Gianna frown her eyebrows.

"Welcome to the hell, my love. This is a major part of me, would you like to go for a walk in this hell park with me?" Xavier said in a husky voice near her ear, making her tremble in fear more.

"W-Why are we here? Please let's go." Gianna said, while trembling, chills were running down her spine and she could feel goosebumps all over her body. Xavier took her hand and walked ahead deep down the hallway, which was filled with screams and bloody smell.

Gianna heard many metallic chain sounds, imagining the prisoners tied with them. She gasped in shock as they passed by a cell in which a prisoner clung to the cell bars and tried reaching out for her, screaming 'HELP'. Gianna instantly hugged Xavier in fear, and by now she couldn't control her tears from flowing. Xavier held her close and took out a gun from the back of his waist.

"Eeek! Oh, god!!" Gianna freaked out as soon as she heard him shoot almost five bullets in his body.

"They have no right to touch even a cell of your body, my love. Let's go out of here." Xavier picked her up in his arms and took her out of there with rapid and sturdy strides.

He took her to her office and settled her down on the couch while handing her a glass of water. She drank the whole glass and tried to control her breathing, her tears were not giving up and flowing down her cheeks.

"Shh... Calm down." Xavier said, he sat down beside her and hugged her. He started stroking her hairs and softly kissed her forehead. Gianna's breathing calmed down, and she wiped away her tears.

"Why did you bring me here?" Gianna asked him in a rough and broken voice.

"Why do you think?" He questioned her back.

"I-I don't know..." She said clutched the hem of her dress.

"Gianna, can a man like me, full of darkness, deserve an angel like you?" Xavier said as he leaned back on the couch. Gianna wiped her tears again and searched for Xavier's hand, which he gave her without any questions.

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