Chapter 35. Blushings And Cryings

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"I'm sorry, okay? I won't do anything like this again, so please don't upload this video on social media, and please don't submit this to the dean, I promise I won't do anything like this again." Julia said with a frown and non-guilty expression. Derek scoffed listening to this and sat on the sofa to think for a while. He looked up and stared at Amelia, she was staring back at him. Amelia shook her head again, saying no to whatever evil punishments Derek was plotting against Julia and her minions.

Derek sighed and rubbed his face, giving up. "Alright, get lost from here, and I hope you'll never show your face in front of Amelia or me." Julia gritted her teeth and said yes in a low voice before storming away from the room, her minions following her steps closely.

"I didn't know you were this much forgiving towards your enemies." Derek commented, to which Amelia scoffed and smirked.

"You don't know anything about me, and you don't even need to know, okay? Now you and your friends also get lost from here." She said, huffing and folding her hands. Derek took out another card from his bag and kept it on the table beside the bed.

"How rude of you." Derek clicked his tongue while keeping the card.

"How shameless of you." Amelia frowned and scrunched her face in disgust.

"What did you say!?"

"Clean your ears or get a machine, might come handy for you." By now all his friends were holding their stomach trying to suppress their laugh which was spilling out in between. Derek turned and glared at them, making them run out of the room.

Derek went to Amelia and inspected her injury. "Does it hurt?"

"Of course it does! I'm a human for god's sake!" Amelia exclaimed and glared at him.

"How's your bullet wound now?"

"It's completely healed, but sometimes it hurts when my backstretches too much like today." Derek was staring like a hawk at Amelia.

"Now what?" She asked. Derek just sighed and shook his head.

"It's strange... you rarely talk this much with me." This made Amelia blush.

"Why're you blushing now? Do you have a crush on me?"

"Don't tease me okay? I'm just feeling hot right now." Amelia made an excuse and looked away.

"You're feeling hot because of me?"

"Just shut up! I previously told you to get lost, right!? What will you take to go away?"

"A kiss would be alright." Now he crossed the limit, Amelia gritted her teeth and smacked her pillow directly on his face, making him laugh.

"GO AWAY!" Amelia exclaimed and blushed again. Derek went out of the room while laughing. Amelia sighed, and soon a chuckle left from her mouth as soon as she recalled what happened today.

--At Moretti Mansion--

"Mmm! I love this! Thank you, Adam!" Brinley said while enjoying her favorite caramel cookie dough flavor ice cream. Adam smiled watching Brinley munch her ice cream like a child.

"Do you want some?" Brinley offered some to Adam, but he shook his head. Brinley shrugged and ate a whole spoonful, a bit of ice cream got smeared below her lip. Watching this, Adam chuckled and rubbed off the ice cream with his thumb and licked it.

"It's not that bad." Adam commented making Brinley blush like a tomato.

"If you wanted to have some, have it from here!" Brinley said and pouted.

"No it's more delicious when I had it this way, now eat less ice cream or else you might get sick, I'm going to the office, I've some important work." Adam said and stood up, he ruffled Brinley's hair, making her groan and pout. He chuckled and kissed her cheek greeting her goodbye. Brinley blushed and kissed him back.

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