Chapter 5. Invite For A Feast

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{Author's pov}

"I'm Adam Brooke, his one and only friend and assistant." Adam introduced himself, Gianna smiled in response.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Brook." Gianna smiled again.

Xavier cleared his throat and spoke, "I'm Xavier Moretti, I apologize for the late introductions." Xavier said Gianna, shook her head in response, "Mr. Moretti no need to apologize, let me introduce myself properly too, I'm Gianna Allen, currently the owner of this coffee shop, I would like to thank you both genuinely for helping me today." Gianna smiled brightly.

"No don't thank us, and you can use the first names we don't mind," Adam said Gianna nodded her head yes.

"Oh! I forgot to ask, how did you come to know I was in trouble?" Gianna asked them and cocked her head in confusion. There was a moment of silence when Adam spoke up,

"We were in this area when bo-... I mean Xavier wanted to have coffee at your shop, so when we reached here, we heard your scream and came into action, after that you know." Gianna nodded her head.

"Oh speaking of coffee...look where are my manners, what would you guys like to have, I will make anything, take it as compensation." Gianna said and smiled again. Adam and Xavier looked at each other, not knowing what to answer.

"Hmm... would you guys like to have Turkish tea? It's not on the menu, but I have some tea bags, you would love it!" Gianna said with a smile.

"Turkish tea... I've never tried it before..." Adam whispered.

"It is called Çay in Turkey," Gianna said (Çay is pronounced as Chai), "Wait here, I'll bring tea in just five minutes." Gianna rushed towards the kitchen, with Charlie following her from behind.

Xavier's phone started ringing, and he picked up the call.

"Capo, questo è Rudolf. Abbiamo ricevuto un'altra lettera di minaccia da BJ." One of his mafia men spoke through the call in Italian. Xavier sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

[Translation: Boss, this is Rudolf. We got another threatening letter from BJ.]

"Aumenta la sicurezza, stai all'erta. Quando tornerò, mi prenderò cura personalmente di lui e dei suoi giochi." Xavier said and cancelled the call. Adam somewhat heard the conversation, so he knew they will have to get back to work as soon as possible.

[Translation: Increase security, stay alert. When I return, I will personally take care of him and his games.]

"The tea is ready!" Gianna said and came out of the kitchen with one tray and two brown paper bags. Gianna served the tea and kept those two bags on the table.

"What are these?" Xavier asked curiously.

"Oh, I made some cookies, here, this one is for you and your little sister and this one for you, Adam." Gianna pushed the bags at two sides.

"Thank you, but it wasn't necessary--" Adam was cut off by the telephone ringing sound.

"Oh, Amelia must be home," Gianna muttered as she picked up the telephone.


"Anna!! What happened!? The neighbors said you were in danger!!" Amelia screamed loudly enough for the two men to listen clearly and Gianna to take the phone away from her ear. Gianna chuckled, "Silly, don't freak out, I'm alright, nothing happened to me." Gianna tried to assure Amelia and then canceled the call.

"This tea is wonderful!" Adam exclaimed. Gianna smiled and responded with a nod, "I told you, you'll enjoy it."

"Hm I also agree with Adam, this tea is aromatic and somehow soothes tension," Xavier claimed to which Adam silently and secretly gasped in his mind. He never compliments anyone or anything!! He is being weird! He is acting strange. Adam looked over at Gianna, who had a light shade of blush on her cheeks.

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