Chapter 9. Gianna's Hidden Gem

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{Author's pov}

Brinley went ahead to open the front door, when Amelia saw her she smiled.

"Hi! I am Brinley Moretti, nice to meet you." Brinley said and hugged Amelia. Amelia chuckled and hugged her back.

"I'm Amelia Allen, you must be the one, Gianna invited today right?" Amelia asked her, she frowned slightly as "Moretti" was a familiar name for her, but she shrugged it off and smiled.

"Oh no, not only me but my brothers and a friend. By the way, you don't seem that 'little' as your sister says." Brinley said and giggled. Amelia frowned and shook her head.

"Of course I'm not little! I'm 18 for god's sake, Gianna! She calls me like I'm a small child." Amelia raised her voice and Gianna's giggling voice came from the living room, Amelia and Brinley walked towards the living room, three men's head turned towards them which made Amelia froze on her steps.

"You..." Amelia trailed off as she stared at Derek with wide eyes.

"Amelia...? What're you doing here?" Derek asked her, totally confused, and a slight frown formed on his face. Amelia's smile twitched, and she turned to glare at Gianna.

"You know Amelia?" Gianna asked Derek. Derek responded with a yes.

"You dare to ask me 'What're you doing here'..." Amelia glared daggers at Derek and there was a sudden grave silence. Brinley looked at Xavier and Adam but both of them shrugged like they don't know what's happening.

"Gianna!! What. The. Is. This!!?" Amelia screamed making Gianna flinch.

"What do you mean...? I don't know anything, what're you talking about??" Gianna cocked her head in confusion.

"This man, I don't want to see him anywhere near me or my sister, he doesn't even know how to respect girls, and you invited him for a dinner!? Tell him to get lost or else I'll kick this man-who--" Amelia was cut off by Gianna.

"Amelia! Behave yourself! Mind your language! Is this how we treat our guests!? Go take a quick shower and be here in ten minutes!" Gianna said with a stern voice.

"But--" Amelia was again cut off by Gianna.

"I don't care who he is, how he treats anyone, how he treats you, but I know one thing, that is, he's our guest, and you've to learn how to respect! Go!" Gianna pointed in the direction of the room. Amelia sighed and took heavy steps towards the kitchen, she opened the fridge and placed the ice cream bags inside, and rushed to take a quick shower.

"I'm sorry about my sister, she can be childish sometimes..." Gianna gave a wry smile and tucked her hair behind her ear. An odd silence followed afterward.

"No, it's my fault, I sometimes tease her, so she's angry with me." Derek honestly accepted his fault to which Gianna just smiled. He was surprised, he expected her to scold him, but she just smiled letting it off.

"Oh, it is almost time, let's proceed to dinner shall we?" Brinley piped up in enthusiasm to shoo off the strange vibes. Gianna nodded and went towards the kitchen, Brinley offered to help her to which she gladly agreed.

After the dinner was set on the dining table, everyone took their seat including Amelia who was ignoring everyone and busy chatting on her phone with her friends, telling them how a jerk has barged in her house and having their food, like we owe something to him. Amelia noticed a stare on her, and she slightly looked up to see Derek staring at her, she scoffed and looked down as she continued to chat.

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