Chapter 4. Hero Saves The Angel

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{Author's pov}

It was dark, the moon was shining and the hoots of an owl can be heard from a distance.

"Is the file ready?" Xavier asked in his cold, husky voice. His assistant, friend, and right hand Adam Brooke responded yes and nodded.

It has been two days since Xavier met Gianna, he couldn't stop thinking about her, the way she smiles, the way she turns around making her floral dress and her hair swirl like beautiful waves of the sea, and her angelic bright smile which can melt thousands of hearts. Xavier decided to know a few things about her, so he asked Adam if he could send some men to keep an eye on what she does daily and how she interacts with people around her.

As Xavier read her file, he came to know she doesn't live alone, she lives with her small sister Amelia Allen, nicknamed as Ami, goes to the same school as Derek! Gianna goes for a morning walk with her dog sometimes, manages to do all household chores, and opens her coffee shop around 8.30 in the morning.

Gianna loves singing, her favorite color is black, she always wears floral dresses as she admires flowers, she is quite tall in comparison with her little sister, and she likes to play with her Golden retriever breed dog, Charlie.

Gianna lost her eyesight at the age of 9 in a car accident, her parents died on the spot, Amelia was just slightly bruised, the case of the car accident was closed in just two days and never opened again.

Xavier rubbed his chin after reading the file.

"Why was the case closed without deep investigations?" Adam thought for a while then responded with a shrug, "We couldn't gather much information, it seemed like someone was deliberately not allowing us to investigate more about this." Adam said and sighed.

"Hmm, well alright, also thanks for this," Xavier said as he raised the file. Adam widened his eyes for a second, but then chuckled, "You are weird sometimes."

~In the Coffee Shop~

Gianna was cleaning the floor with a mop when she heard the bell jingle, signaling her arrival of people. She immediately smiled and welcomed,

"Hello! I am Gianna, how may I help you?" Gianna said and smiled warmly.

"We know you are, Gianna. Every time you say the same old thing like a tape recorder." The rude boy said making his group of friends laughs at his joke, instantly the smile from Gianna's face washed away. She thought, 'Here are the Oscar-winning bullies.'

They took their seats and called Gianna.

"What are you guys doing here? I-I will call the cops if you mess around again in my shop!" Gianna scolded them in a stern voice. They began laughing loudly, as if Gianna fired a joke bomb on them.

"W-what?" Gianna asked them in confusion.

"Okay... we will behave this time, but on one condition," Gianna cocked her head in confusion, "Bring us our usual and don't disturb us, will that do for you?" Gianna just nodded and went off to the kitchen to bring their orders. When she brought their drinks and snacks, she smelled something weird, like bad weird, she looked around sensing presence around her. Soon enough, she realized! Drugs! She tried to walk away from them, but a boy got hold of her wrist.

"L-let go!" She said in a somewhat loud voice. But the boy just clicked his tongue and came near her ear, "Now that the cat is out of the bag, why don't you join us to have some catnip?" He whispered in her ear, that too dangerously close!

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