Chapter 59. Derek Got Drunk

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Amelia scrolled through her Instagram, and saw many posts of Derek from a nightclub. It looked like he was enjoying himself, but Amelia was not at all enjoying looking at his pics with other women. (Image on top for reference)

Derek was just trying to distract himself, also his friends had dragged him to the nightclub so that they could enjoy with him before he goes away

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Derek was just trying to distract himself, also his friends had dragged him to the nightclub so that they could enjoy with him before he goes away.

Amelia sighed and tried going back to sleep, but the pain in her cheeks and back was hurting her. Gianna had unintentionally struck her past wound in her back with the cane. Amelia stood up with a groan and went to the kitchen, to get some ice. She smelled the fresh aroma of macaroni and cheese, her all-time favorite. She saw Gianna making it and Charlie was sitting by her leg. She closed the lid to let it cook and turned to Charlie, she picked him up in her arms.

"Charlie, how should I apologize to Amelia? Should I give her some gift? Will this macaroni and cheese make her forgive me? I need to do something more, uhm what to do

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"Charlie, how should I apologize to Amelia? Should I give her some gift? Will this macaroni and cheese make her forgive me? I need to do something more, uhm what to do... what to do... Yes! First you have to forgive me, then I'll do something about Amelia, right? First, it's you who has to forgive me." Gianna said and rubbed his fur. He whined and looked away, but then licked her cheek and barked once.

"You forgive me, right!?" Gianna said happily, Amelia smiled, how could she forget, Gianna was the kindest soul she ever saw on this earth. On surface, she might seem angry, but in her heart she must have been very sad and upset about herself for hitting her. Gianna sensed someone breathing in the kitchen except herself and Charlie, she turned towards the entrance and concentrated.

"Amelia?" Gianna asked.

"Uhm... yes, it's me. Don't worry, I'll leave you alone, I am just here to take some ice packs." Amelia said in a low voice. Gianna was about to speak when, she was interrupted by a stomach growling sound. Amelia got shy and hurriedly rushed towards the fridge.

"Ice packs? Are you very hurt?" Gianna asked in fear.

"N-No, it's nothing, bye. Bon appétit." Amelia said and was running out of the kitchen, when Gianna stopped her, holding her wrist.

"Don't take advantage of my blindness and vanish into thin air without answering me." Gianna said sternly, making Amelia gulp in fear.

"I... I was hit on my past wound, so the swelling has resurfaced... in the back. But! But it's fine! These injuries are normal, I am habi-" Gianna lightly smacked her head and took the ice pack from her.

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