Chapter 48. Good News Or Bad News

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*Gianna's pov*

I decided to go to hospital by taxi alone without Charlie as dogs were not allowed in that hospital, I sighed as I felt helpless without Charlie, but I made up my mind to reach there without any hurdles. I did my best to distract the guards guarding the gates and Moretti mansion, and I fled towards the sidewalk to hail a taxi as soon as possible so that the guards don't get alert about my disappearance.

The taxi driver, I hailed, was very kind enough to drop me by the hospital door itself and asked the guard of the hospital to guide me towards the reception desk, I felt shivers run in my body as I was still scared of visiting hospital, and alone today makes it even worse for me, but I've to do this! 

I gave my file to the lady, and she told me to wait for a while as she dialed a few numbers on the telephone, I suppose. She calmly explained to me that the doctor is busy in one surgery, and it would take about half an hour for him to be available to take patients for consultation, I thanked her and informed her that I was willing to wait for the doctor.

She called one of the nurse who led me towards the waiting area, and I sat there silently waiting for me to be called. I came to hospital empty-hand just my case file with me, without my cane because Xavier's men might follow me here, and as I expected I heard sounds of many shoes rushing in the hospital, I instantly covered my head with my scarf and hid my face.

"Excuse me, have you seen this lady come here?" I heard a man shout in a stern familiar voice, making me flinch a bit, he was the gatekeeper whom I distracted earlier! But, I sighed in relief as I realized, he was asking the nurse who was passing through the corridor. Soon my relief went down the drain as the man came and stood in front of me, I could sense his footsteps near me, his rough breathing and faint smell of sweat as he approached me. Soon a few men followed him and I got surrounded by guards, their gaze was so stern that I could feel my skin burn. My breath was stuck as I felt slight panic in my heart, my heartbeats started racing.

"Miss, have you seen this lady here by chance?" The guard asked me politely, and instantly I shook my head in panic while keeping my face hidden.

"Miss, you didn't even glance at the photo, can you not waste our time and let us know if you know anything where this lady could be?" I clenched my fist as I started feeling more and more nervous.

"Excuse me Sir, she came just now, so she might not know about this lady. Anyways, the doctor has called you Madam." The nurse said, who had guided me towards the waiting area. I nodded my head silently and left from the waiting room, leaving the guards who got busy again in asking people about my whereabouts. They won't come to know because I had already told the lady at reception to keep my visit hidden. They respected my privacy and agreed to keep my visit hidden.

I entered the doctor's cabin and greeted him, he greeted me back and started explaining to me what the test results were. I griped the edge of the table tightly as I took in what the doctor had to say. I let a heavy breath out as the doctor finished and soon tears which I had no control over started threatening to fall, but I looked up stubbornly, not willing to shed even a single tear.

The doctor sighed and patted my back, trying to encourage me, I smiled at him and stood up. He placed the report and my file in my hand. Not even a single phrase came out of my mouth as I bowed lightly to show my gratitude to the doctor, and I left from his cabin without looking back.
This is it.
I knew it.
I slowly made my way towards the exit of the hospital where I got spotted by Xavier's men who were waiting in the front of the hospital, to check if I enter or exit from there. A light giggle left my mouth as they politely told me not to repeat my actions ever in future and helped me sit in the car.

I traced my hand over the file and smiled. One of Xavier's man handed me a phone after he exchanged a few words on it. I got confused, but my confusion soon got cleared as I heard a very worried and stern voice of Xavier.

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