Chapter 38. Glittering Event

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The engagement preparations were going carefully and glamorously. Adam and Derek were handling all the preparations whereas Xavier was managing his business and mafia work together, so it became hard for him to spend much time with Gianna. He would call her once or twice in two-three days. Whereas Gianna was facing her side of problems, she was regularly experiencing nightmares of her accident in which her parents died due to Robert visit and him reminding her of the accident which was hidden quietly in one corner of her heart, Amelia was equally worried about her.

"Gianna I think you should go and meet a psychiatrist after this party..." Amelia said in a low voice and looked at Gianna. Gianna sighed and drank a whole glass of water.

"Amelia it's not easy... soon I've to reopen the coffee shop, and we also have to pay bills, right? I can't afford to spend money on visiting a doctor for such a small problem." Amelia's eyes widened listening to this.

"What're you saying? It's not a small problem! If you're worried about money, I can do a part-time job somewhere, don't worry about my studies--" Gianna caught hold of her hand.

"Stop. Don't you dare say anything further, I've already told you many times, I won't allow you to do any job! Just focus on your studies, after graduating you can go anywhere you want to do a job or leave this country or whatever you wish, just don't disturb your studies..." Gianna exclaimed.

"Seriously, you're so stubborn!" Amelia huffed and stood up. Gianna chuckled listening to this.

"Forget these stuff, tell me one thing... will you carry your cane in the party?" Amelia exclaimed. Gianna thought for a while before opening her mouth.

"Well... I think I shouldn't. I'll try my best to stick together with Xavier or I could just sit in one place and let Xavier attend his guests." Gianna said and sighed.

"Don't worry, if Xavier has some work, then I'll come and accompany you." Amelia said and patted her back.

"What about Derek? Your partner?"

"He can go to hel--" Gianna cleared her throat and raised her eyebrows.

"What?" Amelia was confused.

"When will you both get matured and stop this cats and dogs fight?" Amelia shrugged and responded,

"It's not just me, he's the one who always pesters me like a pest!" Amelia folded her hands.

"God knows how you both will survive the whole party together..." Gianna muttered and stood up to go in the kitchen to make lunch.

"Well... I'll try my best to not create a havoc in front of everyone..." Amelia said in a low voice making Gianna chuckle again.


The day of event.

"Bye, Gianna! I'm going right now! Get ready fast, Xavier might also be on his way." Amelia exclaimed as he heard Derek's car honk outside the apartment. She rushed from the bedroom and hurriedly wore the heels. Gianna waved and greeted her goodbye. Gianna was already ready, she just had to wear a necklace and give Charlie his dinner.

Soon after twenty minutes, the doorbell rang. Gianna got up from the couch and opened the main door.

"Wow..." Xavier exclaimed as soon as Gianna opened the door. He was not expecting to be greeted by this gorgeous angel as soon as the door opened. Gianna smiled shyly and took his hand, escorting him inside.

"Amelia and Derek left already?" Xavier asked and Gianna nodded in approval.

"Seriously, you look very beautiful today, mio curore." Xavier said as he stared at Gianna from her toes to her head. Gianna smiled and hugged him in response. She touched his suit and tried imagining him, how he would look. Xavier chuckled and brought her hand to his heart.

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