Chapter 61. Farewell Gifts

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(Amelia's Pov)

*YAWN* These lectures are going to be the reason of my death one day. Should I skip next lecture?
I looked towards my friends, who were already snoring in their sleep. I sighed and kept my books inside my bag. Yeah, I should skip next lecture, these guys will be excited enough to support me in bunking.

As soon as the next lecture started, I pinched my friends awake, and we rushed out of the class to skip the lecture.
"Haaiyaaa! I'm free now!!" Colten said, while stretching his arms in air, to awaken his muscles from sleep.
"I was about to faint from exhaustion if I had stayed for one more lecture..." Milly said, and Hayley nodded in approval. I rolled my eyes, knowing they were already sleeping in previous lectures.

"Hey! Amelia!" I got called from behind as we were going towards the cafeteria. I looked behind to find two of Derek's friends waving their hands at me and smiling brightly.

"Now what..." I whispered in frustration.

"Amelia! How're you? It's been long since we met you!" One of them cheerfully said and the other one nodded.

"The point?" I asked indirectly.

"Uhm..." They both hesitated before looking at each other and nodded in determination.

"What is it?" I pressed again. One of them took out something from his bag and forwarded it to me.

"What's this?" I asked as I took the mysterious looking box.

"It's a puzzle, if you solve this, you get something precious." Derek's friend said, and I frowned in confusion.

"Then why the heck are you giving this to me?" I asked.

"Yeah, give it to me! I love puzzles!" Max exclaimed as he was curiously gazing at the strange box.

"No, only Amelia can solve this puzzle."

"I hate puzzles." I scowled in anger as my lips twitched.

"At least try it, now we're also curious to know what's inside this box." Colten said, encouraging her, and Hayley nodded agreeing with him.

"Alright..." I said, and started fiddling with the box, trying to open in any way possible. Fifteen minutes passed, yet I was unable to open this stupid box.

"What the heck is this box!" I exclaimed, and they shrugged, making me huff in anger. I dropped the box on the floor, and lifted my foot in anger. Everyone gasped as they saw me stomp forcefully on the box.

Yeah, that's right, the box opened, making me smirk in satisfaction, but my satisfaction was short-lived when I saw Colten picking up the box with the contents inside it.

There was a key and a letter inside, I picked up the letter and read.

Dear Feisty Kitten,
I hope you have been well, it has been a long time since we had a chat, right? You might already know Who am I. I believe you found this letter yourself, and the only way to open this box was by kicking it. I know how much you love to kick and punch people, don't you? I hope you don't kick in your sleep, do you? If so, I might be in trouble in the future.
Anyways, the purpose of this tiny game was to give you this key, you found inside the box. Your wish will come true using this key, and your dream will be fulfilled. I know I had been against all of your decisions, but now I know, it runs in your veins, I will try my best to not go against you anymore, and I hope you forgive me for ignoring you for so long. I have realized my mistake and this is a small gift to you from me.
Come find me where we met for the first time officially, I will take you to see your gift. Come find me kitty, your rat will be waiting for you, to annoy you.

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