Chapter 21. Hidden Feelings Never Remain Hidden For Long

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{Gianna's POV}


What have I done...? I didn't know that giving the shop for rent would make Ami this angry and disappointed... Only Charlie...only he can understand me perfectly without going against me. He never disobeyed me, he would become sad and whine if I am sad, he would bark energetically if I am happy, he would always support me no matter what situation I face.

I wish Amelia could calm down and think if I had done anything really wrong. Am I really wrong this time? Did I make a mistake? Was I not in right mind of state when--

My trail of thoughts came to a stop when I heard the bedroom's door opening, I wiped my tears away instantly as I heard Amelia scoff. Suddenly Amelia came rushing towards me, and yanked my arm pulling me to stand up, I silently stood up and heard Charlie growling in anger towards Ami.

"Why were you sitting on the floor?" Amelia asked me.

"I... I--" I paused as I couldn't come up with any excuse.

"You should sit on the couch, you must be really happy, right?" Amelia said making me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh? You didn't understand? Let me explain, you must be happy after getting a bunch of money, now you can enjoy your life without any hard work right?" Amelia said in a mocking tone.

"What are you saying! Why would you think like this, Ami!" I exclaimed in surprise, as I did not expect Amelia to behave like this. Giving a shop for rent is a crime? Why is she being like this...

"Foremost, you show no interest in music, that's fine it's your choice I won't interfere in that, second, you sell off the shop we both opened fulfilling our mother's dream, third you never asked for my advice, am I a stranger to you? Am I not your sister!? Fourth, why do you have to sell such a nice shop to a witch like her!?" Amelia finished in full speed, panting after asking everything that could come in her mind.

I sighed and said, "Who told you I sold off our shop?" I asked her just one question.

She paused for a few seconds and replied, "The lady who now owns the shop said I'm the owner, whatnot, and told me to get lost."

I gasped in shock not believing the lady to be this rude when she didn't even own the shop, she was being very kind when we were making a deal of the shop.

"Come with me." I took Amelia's wrist in one hand and took Charlie's leash in the other.

"Huh? Where are you taking me??" Amelia asked in confusion and curiosity, to which I just shushed her to keep quiet.

I pulled her out of our apartment and took her to OUR shop next door. Gretta greeted me as soon as I came inside the shop, I decided to go alone for a minute. I heard her keep something like a box down on the floor, must be cardboard boxes.

"Ah, Miss Gianna! Welcome, welcome." Gretta said and chuckled. I showed her a small smile and called Amelia to come inside.

"Why did you bring me here?" Amelia asked me, making me turn towards her voice.

"Miss Gretta, do you know her?" I came right to the point.

"Oh yes, I know her! Just a while ago, she came barging in your shop rudely and didn't even apologize to me!" Gretta exclaimed with a hint of anger and disgust. Amelia gasped in shock when she said "your shop", she got confused.

"I can't believe these days kids act so impulsively, their parents don't even teach them how to behave around elders. But Miss, why did you bring her here? Did you bring her to scold her? Serves her right!" Gretta exclaimed and chuckled as if enjoying.

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