Chapter 27. Then I Will Also Become Blind

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(Xavier's pov)

After making cappuccino for me and caramel latte for herself, we went to the living room to have our drinks and talk. I stared in her lifeless yet beautiful eyes for a while, feeling the sparks and beats rising in my heart. I am just so fascinated by her charms... she's so beautiful, caring, gentle and pure... Furthermore, I feel like capturing her in my cage forever like a beautiful canary bird and keeping her with me till death do us apart. But I can't force her, right? Still, I could make baby steps and make her fall in love with me.

"How is Brinley doing?" Gianna asked casually.

"Yeah, she's fine... but she's super emotional these days, so I sent her to Dubai with Adam and Derek, so that her mind can become a little fresh, and she might feel alright after her vacation trip." Gianna nodded understanding.

She sipped her caramel latte and enjoyed every sip of it. I was also enjoying my drink when I thought of moving a step ahead in my track. I knew this might be risky, but if not now then its never.

"Gianna? Do you have someone you like?" I asked her, she simply shook her head saying no.

"Do you really have no plans on dating someone?" I urged her even more.

"No, I already told you... I am blind, no one will like me. Even if someone likes me... I would become a burden for them." Gianna was stubborn about her thinking about herself, but I was also very confident.

"Gianna... to be honest I have developed feelings for you, I want you to give us a chance." I said, keeping my honest feelings in front of her. Gianna gasped in shock.

"No Xavier! You are such a good man! I can't destroy your life! How could you even imagine us being in a relationship? It would be a disaster, I'm telling you!" Gianna exclaimed, I clutched my palm tightly, controlling my sadness and anger.

"Why would our relationship be a disaster?" I asked in a stern tone.

"What do you mean, why? Haven't I told you already? Because I'm blind, I--"

"Stop. You are saying that just because you can't see, you can't be in a relationship, you can't marry someone, you can't do things a normal person could do?" I said in a slight high voice.

"Xavier, I'm sorry, but..." Gianna lost her words as she stared at the floor. Charlie got up after looking at our banter for a while and trudged towards me. I shuffled his fur on his back.

"Then I will also become blind. I will donate my eyes or wear a blindfold my entire lifetime or just get hit by a rod in my eyes, how about it?" I suggested, which made her snap her face up in shock and gasp.

"What are you saying!? NO! I don't want any of that!! Please..." Gianna shouted and stood up. She searched for my hand and sat on her both knees in front of me, while I was sitting on the sofa. She held my hands and squeezed them.

"Never... don't ever think of anything like that... this was the first and last time I heard this from your mouth. I don't know why, but I don't like it. Please, don't do it." Gianna requested me with her soft voice. I tucked her hair behind her ear, which were falling near her eyes, and stared in those eyes. I squeezed her hand back, but then she removed one of her hand and moved it near my face. I let her do whatever she wanted to.

She softly touched one of my cheek and slowly moved her hand towards my eyes. She rubbed away the few tiny drops of tears which had formed unintentionally and unknowingly.

"How did you know?" I whispered, to which she smiled slowly.

"Just felt like doing it." Gianna again touched my cheek, holding and feeling it. We stayed in the same position for a while.

"Alright, let's do it your way." Gianna said suddenly, breaking our moment.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. Gianna giggled and stood up. She went in her room and brought out a square velvet box.

"Here, it's for you." Gianna offered it to me, I stared at the box in confusion and opened it to discover a short black tie with an elegant and beautiful brooch.

"What's this for? It's not my birthday." I said in confusion.

"You gave me a scarf even if it was not my birthday... can't you accept my gift too? As a symbol of our first day of relationship?" Gianna folded her hands on her chest and huffed. I stared at her in shock and then looked at the box in my hands.

"Is this for real..." I whispered.

"You want this to be a dream?" Gianna asked me. I shrugged.

"If this was a dream, I would never even think of waking up." I chuckled and hugged her tightly, making her giggle. Listening to her laugh is like music to my ears, truly.

"But what made you change your mind?" I asked curiously.

"Your sincerity, your care and how faithfully you wanted to be in a relationship with me. Believe me it's not just this... actually I had liked you too since a while, but I honestly felt that you should deserve a better woman than me. I feel this at present too. You're just too good for me." Gianna said, making me tighten my hug. Gianna, you don't know how bad I am... and I fear you will go away when you come to know in what environment I work and live in.

"So it's not just me who's infatuated with you, you also liked me?" I asked, confirming again for the last time. She just started blushing and bobbed her head up and down, agreeing to my comment.

"So let's go for dinner tonight as a celebration for our union." I said in a stern voice, indicating to her that it's compulsory.

"I would like to politely refuse Xavier, I have already prepared half recipes to prepare the dinner." Gianna said, making me think for a while.

"And I would like to refuse your refusal." I said in determination, making her look at me blankly with wide eyes.

"Call Amelia, your sister. Tell her to come with her friends, they all can come and share food, and we will go and enjoy our first official dinner date. How about it?" I suggested and she nodded.

"Nice idea. Let me call her." She said, and searched for the wireless telephone, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Charlie? Have you stolen the telephone yet again??" She asked, making Charlie barked loudly, and he began running towards the room. She sighed. I took my phone out and called Amelia and gave my phone to Gianna.

"WHAT?" Amelia's irritated, loud voice rang in the speaker as soon as she picked the call.

"Behave." Gianna said and cleared her throat. Amelia became aware it was her sister and apologized.

"Today if your friends are free, you can invite them to our apartment for dinner party, I'll prepare lots of food for you guys. I won't be able to attend as I am going out with Xavier. Don't worry about me, I hope you have the keys, I will be going, locking the door behind." Gianna said. But soon after as she heard the reply from Amelia she started blushing and cleared her voice as if she had cough. She said no and shook her head. She hanged up the call after saying bye and offered me my phone back.

"What did she say? Why're you blushing so suddenly?" I asked her curiously.

"She teased me for going in a date with you..." She said in a low voice. Hearing this, I started feeling embarrassed.

"C'mon, let me help you with kitchen work and I will refuse your refusal if you refuse me." I exclaimed, making Gianna chuckle.

"I have heard 'refuse' and 'refusal' words so many times today." Gianna exclaimed and shook her head as if shaking away the thought from her mind.

Gianna and I together prepared the dinner for Amelia and her friends. She gave Charlie his food and kept his treat's packet on the kitchen counter so that Amelia could give them to him later onwards. Charlie went to sleep after having his food and Gianna finally locked the main door of her apartment, ready to go for her date.


A/N: OH YES! Finally, they became the first official couples of our novel. Of course, our FL and ML are always ahead in race than others. Everyone must have thought Brinley and Adam would become couples before them, but no, they beat them to it, LOL. This was the reason why this chapter was Xavier's pov and not from my point of view. Enjoy the chapters ahead.

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