Chapter 43. Nightmare Results In A Decision

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Gianna was sleeping in the guest room of Moretti Mansion, she refused to have dinner as she was feeling very tired and just wanted to lay down and sleep for hours if possible, but her sleep was not so peaceful.

Gianna felt as if pure darkness surrounded her as she was sleeping. She tried walking a little, but she couldn't see anything, suddenly a small light flashed in front of her, and she smiled in relief, but her smile faded away as soon as she realized that the light was coming from a truck which was moving towards her in a dangerous speed, she screamed loudly and saw Robert driving the truck and laughing, the truck passed through her and nothing happened to her, so she looked behind and saw her parents lying on the floor in pool of blood, her mother was reaching her hand out towards her as if seeking help or as if she wanted to talk something. Gianna wailed loudly and called out to her mother and father.

"No...! Mama! Papa! Please don't leave me again...!!" Gianna screamed, and soon she heard a chuckle beside her, she looked beside her and saw Robert, and his son holding Amelia with a gun pointed on her head. He tilted Amelia's head to some angle and fired the gun, making her body fall limp on the ground, Gianna tried rushing towards her, but she was held by someone.
When she turned her head to look at the person who was hugging her from behind, it was none other than Xavier.

"NOO...!!" Gianna shouted and sprang up from her sleep. Amelia, Xavier and all others were already present and were trying to wake Gianna up from her nightmare. Gianna started panting rapidly, and her body involuntarily started trembling in fear. Xavier tried hugging her, but she pushed him away slightly and turned her head away from him while hyperventilating, she couldn't stop her body from trembling and tears silently were rolling down her eyes. Xavier hushed her and told her she's fine. She turned her head back at him slightly and moved her hand in search of his face, Xavier held her hand and let her touch his cheek, which rubbed his half cheek and beard. Gianna took a deep breath and inhaled his cologne, which made her trembling vanish slowly.

Xavier wiped her head with a towel and made her drink a few sips of water for her to calm down, Gianna started crying silently, she leaned her head on his chest and closed her eyes to normalize her tensed self. Xavier patted her back softly and tucked her wet, sweaty hair behind her ear.

"Her nightmares are frequent or rare?" Derek asked Amelia directly.

"Very frequent if she remembers her past for any reason." Amelia said and sighed. Charlie also came running inside the room as soon as he heard the screams of Gianna. He went ahead and climbed up on the bed and rubbed his soft-silky fur against Gianna's arm to console her. Gianna opened her eyes and left Xavier's arm. She rubbed Charlie's fur and kissed his head, Xavier was glaring daggers at him whereas Charlie woofed twice and licked her cheek, making her chuckle silently. She then looked up and sensed a few gazes on her, and that's when she realized that everyone was present in the guest room.

She looked down apologetically and clenched the hem of her night-dress.

"I... I'm really sorry, it was not my intention to wake everyone up like this and disturb your sleep, I ap--" Gianna was interrupted by Xavier when he placed his index finger on her lips, silencing her.

"Don't worry about such things, you should take care of your health as utmost priority. Now sleep." Xavier ordered her in a stern voice and made her lay down again on bed and tucked her blanket on her while stroking her forehead and hair. He gazed at her with love and held her cheeks which were red due to crying so much.

 He gazed at her with love and held her cheeks which were red due to crying so much

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