Chapter 3. Simple But Beautiful Encounter

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{Third person's/Author's pov}

A clicking sound of the pen echoed in the room, making the man shiver, sitting on his knees on the floor with tears brimming in his eyes.

"Five seconds." He said, making the man on the floor shiver more in fear.

"I-I will tell you everything! Please don't bring my family into this!" The man exclaimed.

"Three seconds." He said. The man gulped and blurted out everything about his rival mafia gangster.

"Good. Throw him out." Xavier said as he stood up. He fixed up his Armani suit and watched his assistant take the man out of the room.

His phone started ringing, he picked up and saw "Brinley" in the caller's ID. He picked up the call and a sudden shrill shout vibrated Xavier's ears. "Can't you learn how to speak like normal humans?" Xavier scolded Brinley in his harsh tone.

"Brother, I am going to do some shopping!" Brinley squealed in excitement.

"So?" Xavier asked in a blank tone.

*Gasp* "Don't 'So' me! You are going with me! Oh yes, I am informing, not asking!" Brinley said in a fake commanding tone. Xavier sighed and shook his head.

"Alright, be ready by 2 pm. Come to my office." Xavier said.

"Brother, you are such a man with few words... can't even say 'I love you sis' or 'I miss you' or anything..." Brinley whispered, Xavier, heard it clearly and raised his brow and scoffed.

"Be here on time, if you are one minute late and I will cancel this shopping spree of yours and quarantine you for a month. How does that sound?" Xavier smirked as he imagined Brinley's shocked face.

*Gasp,* "No, no, no! I will come there as fast as I can! Bye!" Brinley shouted and hung up the call. Xavier chuckled and went back to his work.

~After a few hours~

*Yawn,* "I'm so tired, brother...can we take a short break?" Brinley said after walking around for a while and shopping from different stores, she insisted on window shopping and Xavier agreed with one condition, that was for many bodyguards to follow them around.

"Brother! Look! There's one coffee shop over there! It permits pets too! Brother, let's go over there!" Brinley didn't let her brother speak even a word and dragged him to the coffee shop.

The door opened and bells jingled. A beautiful voice welcomed them with two barks of a dog.

There stood Gianna in her apron with a bright smile and her dog of golden retriever breed stood by her leg.

"Welcome! I am Gianna, How can I help you?" Gianna asked confidently with a sweet smile on her face.

"A table for two," Xavier said. Brinley nudged his arm with her elbow and smiled at Gianna.

"Ms. Gianna, we would love to have a table for two," Brinley said and smiled brightly at her.

"Sure, the second table in the middle is unoccupied." Brinley nodded and dragged Xavier to the table with her.

Gianna moved three steps, Charlie followed behind her and sat near her foot. "What would you like to have?" Gianna asked for their orders.

"Oh, one black coffee with no sugar and no milk and one green tea for me." Gianna nodded and went to the platform to make their orders.

She brought black coffee and green tea in a few minutes and served them. A small girl from the first table called out to Gianna.

"Miss! I want more strawberry cake!" this made Gianna giggle. She went to the little girl and searched for her head, the girl came near Gianna and allowed her to ruffle her hair.

"It's bad for your teeth to have so much sweet! Next time okay?" Gianna said and giggled as the little girl hugged her tightly.

"Okay, Miss, but I will have two pieces! Promise me!" Gianna giggled again and responded with a nod and thumbs up.

"Okay, Miss, but I will have two pieces! Promise me!" Gianna giggled again and responded with a nod and thumbs up

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(I don't own the GIF, it is taken from Google.)

Xavier and Brinley were silently observing the scene. Somehow they found it weird how Gianna was searching for the little girl's head to ruffle her hair. But then Brinley tugged Xavier's sleeve and pointed somewhere behind him, Xavier turned around to look and spotted a cane. That makes everything clear...the beautiful lady working here was blind.

"Excuse me!" Brinley called Gianna and she came to their table.

"How can I help you, Madam?" Gianna asked her politely. Gianna was looking at Xavier and talking.

"Just call me Brinley, can I call you Gianna?" Brinley said, making Gianna realize she was facing in the wrong direction while talking to Brinley.

"Oh, I am so sorry, and yes, you can call me Gianna." Gianna smiled, making her face glow in the sunshine.

"Oh, it's alright. You are so beautiful, Gianna. I would like to meet the person who made this tea! This tea is so refreshing and aromatic! I would like to compliment the owner and the one who made this tea!" Brinley said in excitement.

"Oh, thank you so much, I am very grateful that you loved the tea I made, and I own this coffee shop," Gianna said with a bright smile, she bowed to show her gratitude and went back to her work.

Xavier and Brinley were utterly shocked! They never expected, such a beautiful, clean, and tidy coffee shop to be owned by her. Even thinking about it makes them realize how hard it must be to run a shop in such a condition.

Xavier asked for the bill and Gianna brought the bill to their table.

"Uhh if you don't mind can I ask you one question?" Brinley asked her, and Gianna responded with Sure.

"How do you make bills and collect money? Don't you fear people cheating you?" Brinley asked her. Xavier was attentively listening and noticing all expressions of Gianna. Gianna smiled.

"I learned Braille, so I use that to make bills. If people want to cheat, they can, I won't stop or blame them. If people want to be honest with me and my hard work, then I will be grateful towards them." Gianna smiled again.

"What about during any emergency or robbery?" Xavier asked curiously, making Brinley's eyes pop out of her socket. The man with few words, and who only minds his business, is suddenly concerned about this lady? This has to be reported! This has to be reported to Mom and Dad immediately! For the first time in Xavier's life, he found something interesting and couldn't hold himself from asking! Brinley's mind flooded with thousands of thoughts that she didn't hear what Gianna replied to his question.

"Sir, if it is to happen it will happen, no one can change their destiny," Gianna replied and returned to her work after collecting money and orders from other customers.


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