Chapter 6. Annoying Ms. Feisty

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{Amelia's pov}

As soon as I heard the front door opening, I immediately rushed to check on Gianna. I was informed by neighbors that Anna was caught up in a difficult situation earlier today. I feel guilty of not being by her side and protecting her, she must have been scared... I know my sister is strong, she can manage anything even when not being able to see, I appreciate her strength, but somehow she must be scared and sad...

"Gianna!" I exclaimed as I rushed to hug her, I instantly noticed the bandage on her head and a scratch on her knee which had ointment applied on it. I growled in anger, this is all my fault! She got hurt because I was not there by her side!

Gianna softly hugged me back and chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? What exactly happened? Why do you have wounds?" I frowned in confusion.

"Because..." Gianna said and left me hanging with just one word. She went to the kitchen, washed her hands, and began cooking for dinner.


Why was everyone giving me one or two-word replies with a vague explanation!? First, it was that guy... what was his name again? Ah whatever, and now it's my sister.

"C'mon, tell me what happened!" I pressed on the issue.

"Alright, but first go and take a shower, we will discuss everything later while having supper. Go, be fast." Gianna said, I sighed and rushed to get my nightwear and take a shower.

~20 minutes later~

I came back to see Charlie having his food and Gianna waiting for me at our dinner table.

We actually had a big dining table with 8 seats, I requested for a big table with more seats just in case my friends would drop by for dinner. Gianna had agreed without any argument, I still wonder why.

"Spill out all the beans before I, myself, make you spill them out." I joked, to which Gianna giggled and started telling me what exactly happened.

"So... you are saying that those two 'gentlemen' saved you, huh?" I asked in a harsh tone and in response, Gianna nodded.

"Are you...ugh, seriously, Anna, are you stupid? Why are you so innocent?" I angrily spat, to which Gianna just cocked her head in confusion. I sighed...seriously, she's very naive.

"Gianna think! What if those two 'gentlemen' were involved in this? What if they sent their men to bully you and came to save you, as in act of saving you, and then take advantage of you? Anna, you possibly can't believe anyone just like that! What about cops? Did you hear sirens? The neighbors informed me that cops didn't even come here to check on the problem!" 

"Gianna think! What if those two 'gentlemen' were involved in this? What if they sent their men to bully you and came to save you, as in act of saving you, and then take advantage of you? Anna, you possibly can't believe anyone just like that! Wha...

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I grumbled angrily and kept my hand on my cheek, supporting my face on the dining table. Gianna sighed, and a deep frown was forming on her temple.

"Amelia, one of those gentlemen came before with his sister as customers and those bullies were frequent visitors to my shop, this isn't the first time..." Gianna said in a low voice.

*Gasp* "What do you mean by frequent visitors? Did they use to come by the shop frequently? To do what? Bully you? And you're telling me this now!? Am I not your sister!?" I shouted. I couldn't control my anger at this point. I am blaming her, but somewhere I know I shouldn't, but I can't seem to control my tongue now. I saw how Gianna's eyes filled with tears.

"I... don't want to worry you and disturb your studies in any way. I know how you lose control over your emotions, you could have brought more trouble if you broke their noses. Can't we just drop it? Look, I am safe and sound, right? Can we just peacefully have dinner and discuss this later?" Gianna whispered, which was barely audible to me, but still I managed to take a deep breath and calm my nerves down to avoid my big sister breaking down in a huge mess of tears.

I sighed and opened my mouth again, "Anna... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being rude and angry with you, but you've to understand my situation too... I already feel guilty of not being by your side when you needed me the most, you sought protection from strangers who could've taken advantage of you. You also make things worse by not informing me about the bullies. I could've helped, you know? What happened today, wouldn't have happened if you had informed me about them earlier. I know you're strong, remember how you protected me in that car accident years back? That was brave of you, but you need to rely on me too sometimes... I can protect you myself without anyone's help." I explained to her my worries, to which she looked down and clenched the hem of her dress. A habit she has when she is embarrassed.

I silently started eating, but then I heard a sniff, I looked up and saw tears streaming down her face.

"My baby has grown up." Gianna snickered as she wiped her tears.

I frowned and then realized what she meant! "What!? I am already grown up, okay? I'm 18 for god's sake. Don't call me that! Sounds kinky as fuck!" I exclaimed, she giggled and playfully gasped.

*Gasp* "How many do I've to tell you, don't curse that often! Be decent!" She smiled but scolded in her fake stern voice.

" I care...being decent like you, doesn't suit me." I chuckled with her, and we went on and on, bickering like small kids. She said something about inviting some people on Saturday for dinner, but I don't care, as long as I get my food and anyways she has her freedom of inviting anyone because I also invite my friends over sometimes, so I just shrugged it off like I didn't hear it.

~Next morning, at school~

"Hi, Ami!" Milly greeted me and I did the same.

"Someone is waiting for you," Lucas informed me, I frowned in confusion. "Who, why, and where?" I asked him, but he just shrugged like he is uncomfortable to answer me. I just sighed. He told me to follow him and I did the same as asked, I spotted 'that guy' with his friends. I turned to face Lucas in confusion, but he also had a blank face, like he also doesn't know why I am dragged here.

"What do you want now?" I spat and folded my arms.

"Just wanted to talk with you for a few minutes." He said while walking towards me and shrugged. He turned to look at his friends and signaled them to fuck off, which they did. He did the same with Lucas, I looked at him and nodded, signaling silently that I'll be fine.

"Amelia, you have a beautiful name." He said, and I scoffed in response.

"And...what was your name again? Sorry, I forgot." I gave him a short fake pout and smirked.

"Derek. Derek Moretti." He sneered, to which I responded by making 'o' shape face as if I heard the name for the first time in my whole life.

"I thought your name was Mr. Famous Bad boy. No?" I innocently asked him, triggering his patience.

He smirked and stared in my eyes, "I would love to have such a wonderful name, but sadly my name is Derek." This time I glared at him.

"Come to the point, what do you want?" I snapped at him, making him chuckle.

"Oh, I love feisty women." Derek commented, I gave him a sweet fake smile and snapped at him, "You love a lot of women, no doubt. Stop this little game and spill out why you called me here?"

"Oh, yes, just wanted to greet you. Good morning." And...he left.

He actually left from there.

What. The. Fuck.

I was left there frozen at my position and my mouth was left hanging open. Like he really has guts to play such a trash prank on me.

Or was he annoying me purposely for the scolding I gave him for what he did to my friend Milly?

I growled in annoyance and stomped my way towards my class, good that he wasn't in my class! Or else I would seriously murder him by my curses! He dares to trick me, I won't forgive him! I will let this slide, as I 'was' in a good mood.


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