Chapter 50. Jealous With His Brother

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A/N: I don't know why this chapter got deleted suddenly without any reason? I had to write the chapter again which was truly very hard, by now all my brain cells might have died. I apologize for the inconvenience, I hope the chapter is somewhat similar to the one I wrote few days ago...

(Amelia's Pov)


It's been three days since we came back from Moretti Mansion, it had been hectic for us to clean the house. Gianna has been... somewhat busy in her thoughts, many times I have to bring her back from her dazed state. There has been an annoying yet sweet mosquito which has been lurking on our door since the day we left. I hope the great mafia king won't kill me in my dreams just because I called him mosquito in my thoughts. 

I heard a car honk outside and knew who it was. I looked at Gianna who was lost in her thoughts, but as soon as she heard the car honk, she came out of her dazed state and stood up, she started washing the utensils in the kitchen silently.

 I looked at Gianna who was lost in her thoughts, but as soon as she heard the car honk, she came out of her dazed state and stood up, she started washing the utensils in the kitchen silently

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"Anna... he's here again today." I exclaimed, but I realized that I was talking to a wall as she ignored me and continued washing the dishes. I sighed and stood up, I started making coffee for me and him.

I took the mugs outside the door, and there he stood leaning on his car, while staring at our home. He noticed me standing there with two mugs in my hands and gave me a sad smile. I went towards him and offered him the mug, and smiled in return.

"How is she?" I heard him say after a few seconds of silence.

"Just alright. Sometimes lost in thoughts, sometimes very tired and sometimes very sad." I replied while sighing.

"By the way, nice coffee, but is it okay to drink coffee in the middle of the road, while people go by staring at us?" Xavier said, making me chuckle.

"Well, I could beat the sh*t out of them if they utter even a voice about us." I said and shrugged, Xavier let out a chortle.

"Contact me if you want a part-time job at the mafia." Xavier joked, making me smirk at him smugly.

"Anyways... Charlie has been very unresponsive, you know? He doesn't eat much, and he has stopped playing with his new friends... everything seems dull without you guys in Moretti Mansion now. I don't hear the loud fights between you and Derek, I miss Gianna's giggle as she would talk with everyone and Charlie's excited barks and playing around." I noticed tears gathering in his eyes, I wanna click a picture so damn much! The great almighty mafia king and the most terrifying businessman is standing in front of me with tears in his eyes. 

He looked up in the sky and closed his eyes, I knew he was swallowing back his tears, but it was really sad to see him struggling because of Gianna's harsh decision.

"Well, I've tried to convince her, but... she just ignores me whenever I talk about you or anyone who's related to the Moretti family." I shrugged and sipped my coffee. I heard him sigh and stare towards our door.

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