Chapter 31. Your Idiot

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(Author's pov)

Derek's call came, Adam picked the call after a few rings.

"Hey! What happened to my sister!? She was happy in the morning!! What did you say to her!?
Did you see how she was crying!? Did you break her heart!?" Whole Moretti family was like this, they will speak first and won't let other one to speak even for a second.

"It's not like that. Listen to me first. It's that hacker. You know how she is. Instead of working in her office like other hackers diligently, she came barging into my office and my room to show me results. She was teasing me and was somewhat close to me, that's when Brinley came inside the room and caught us in proximity with each other. That's what happened." Adam explained.

"I know what kind of smart fox she is. Did you explain this to Brinley? Did you tell her it was a misunderstanding?" Derek asked him.

"No... I was not able to explain to her everything." Adam said in a sad voice.

"Wow, excellent. You get 10 out of 10 on this bro. Now what?" Derek said to which he got silence in response.

"What? Are you sad or heartbroken? Why so silent?" Derek said and scoffed.

"I want to go back too." Adam said in a hoarse voice. It seemed like he was crying.

"Are you crying bro?? Please don't cry like a baby, I can't handle two cry-babies you know? Let's go back if that's what you want." Derek chuckled making Adam chuckle too.

Adam warned the woman not to do something like that again and left from the office. He started packing his stuff up to leave with Derek for New York. Unfortunately, they had to wait until the next day, because there was not even one booking available for a night in business class. Their private jet was taken away by Brinley, so they had to manage in business class.

(A/N: Sad situations for riches. Lol)

They left in the morning and reached New York after many hours of travelling. As soon as they reached, Adam rushed to Moretti family mansion, but sadly Brinley... she was not at home. Adam sighed and rubbed his hair in frustration. Grace patted his back, encouraging him. She knew Adam's true nature, as she took a major role in taking care of him too like a mother would for her son. Adam sighed again and silently hugged Grace as he was feeling very emotional at that moment.


-Allen's apartment-

"Anna can I help!?" Brinley screeched excitedly watching Gianna make pancakes for her. Gianna giggled and nodded.

"Why're you so overexcited today?" Gianna asked her. Brinley went silent for a moment, thinking back about what happened in Dubai. She was lost in her thoughts when Gianna searching for her hand caught her wrist and shook it lightly as if waking her up from her daydream.

"What has happened Brinley? You're acting strange today."

"No it's nothing like that, I'm the way I was before." Brinley stuttered and let out an awkward laugh.

"C'mon tell me, I won't let anyone know, you can share your feelings with me... even though I can't see, I can sense your sadness and your awkward behavior."

"Why do you always say, you can't see? No one could see my feelings better than you Gianna. I really am grateful to god for gifting me such a nice friend." Brinley said and hugged Gianna, she hugged her back and patted her back. Gianna made the last batch of pancakes and they both sat at the dining table to have their snack and chat.

Brinley told her everything what had happened in Dubai and how she ran away from there without proper conversation with Adam. Gianna silently listened and nodded when necessary as if telling Brinley that she was paying attention.

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