Chapter 23. Kidnapped

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Enjoy reading!

{Adam's pov}

"Shit! Shit! What the hell did I do!? Because of my idiot brain, Brinley got upset with me! I have to find her! I have to find her before anything happens to her or if she gets lost!" I exclaimed in complete tensed mood and ran here and there trying to find her. I contacted the security staff to make announcements about her whereabouts and if she can come to the security cabins nearby her if she has got lost.

I rubbed my hair and gritted my teeth, I was very angry and upset at myself. But how am I supposed to answer her confession? I used to treat her like my real sister... I know I like her... that... I love her!! But how am I supposed to be in a relationship with a girl whom I considered my sister back then, no even now she's like my sister. Her family members, all, think I treat her like a loving and caring brother. I am not even in a position to accept her feelings when I have buried my feelings in the deepest corner of my heart.

How am I supposed to face her now? I am such a jerk!!

And to add more to my worries... it had to rain now! God, why can't you cry tomorrow, just stop this rain for now!

{Brinley's pov}

"Hey 'Darling' are you lost? Or did you break up with your boyfriend?" A smug-looking, bulky and drunk man accompanied by his four assistants I must say in a so-called seductive voice exclaimed.

"None of your business. Leave me alone." I said while wiping away my tears. Suddenly the clouds started making thundering noise and in a few seconds it started raining. I started walking in the direction I had come from. But then I felt a tug and those thugs stamped a handkerchief filled with I suppose chloroform because my head started spinning instantly as I inhaled that smell of liquid and I felt myself blacking out. The last thing I heard was the thugs were laughing loudly and carrying me away on a shoulder.

{Author's pov}

(A/N: I swear this would be my last time changing pov. LOL.)

Amelia was busy in her boxing practice when her phone started ringing in her bag. She removed her boxing gloves and took out her phone from her bag.

"Why is Brinley calling me? Isn't she busy in her date with Adam... I saw her pictures on Instagram... Hmm... Anyway" Amelia just shrugged and picked up her call only to hear the loudest scream she has ever heard in her life. She removed the phone slightly from her ear and cringed.

"Brinley is this some kind of prank? Or are you practicing your vocal limits??" Amelia snorted and chuckled.

"Listen, you witch, if you want to meet this girl, come alone with fifty thousand dollars, or you will see her dead body by tomorrow morning. If you dare to inform cops, you might see this girl's dead body right now itself, think carefully before you do anything." The thugs warned her and hanged up the call. Amelia started shaking in terror... the first thing that came in her mind was to call Gianna.

"Hello? Anna! I might come late at home today, okay? Call me if there is any emergency. Bye!" Amelia exclaimed.

"W-wait, I-" Amelia hanged up the call before she could ask me the reason for being late and started packing up my stuff and dashing out of the boxing club. While walking fast towards her bike, she saw Derek's car passing by at road. She immediately came up with an idea and called him.

"Hello? Derek listen to me carefully, I'm sending a location, please meet me there. Please don't ask anything, it's very important!" Amelia nearly shouted.

"Okay... By any chance are you planning to confess your feelings towards me??" Derek smirked while driving his car and turning towards the location she sent.

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