Chapter 22. Unexpected Date

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{Brinley's POV}

"Ugh" I groaned in boredom. It has been a month since I went out TT~TT. I want to go to my university! I want to go for shopping! Furthermore, I want to run around streets and have snacks without being scolded! Ugh, sad life. It feels like I am kidnapped in my home.

If I ask mom to go out with me, she starts making excuses that she has this and that work, she has to go out and stuff. If I ask dad, he's always busy reading files and documents in his study room, Derek is always nowhere to be seen, he might even be claimed missing if he doesn't show his face today or latest by tomorrow. Xavier and Adam are always busy...ugh, I can't even visit Anna and Ami!! TT~TT:

(A/N: Feel her pain, lol)

I started my laptop and casually scrolled through Instagram and Facebook, all my friends are enjoying their life, f·ck, why am I stuck here for!? I closed my laptop and slumped on bed, I pushed my face in my pillow in anger, that's when I heard someone knocking on my door.

Oh? Now someone remembers that I exist in this house!? I thought everyone believed I was Annabella the cursed doll, which can be ignored as long as I stayed silently in one corner of my room.

"Brinley? Can you open the door for me?" I heard Adam speak, I pouted and groaned.

"What do you want?" I asked without opening the door for him.

"Can you just open the door, I'll tell you then, what I am here for." Adam said.

"Hmph! I won't open! I am silently and obediently sitting in my room as you all wished, right! So go away." I huffed and folded my arms.

"Is that so? Okay then." Adam said, and I heard his steps going slightly away from my room. I gasped because I didn't expect him to give up this soon. I rushed towards the door and slammed it open, I ran towards him, making him pause. I stood in front of him and huffed and puffed, catching my breath.

"Why are you running? You could have told me to stop and called me out." Adam smiled as he looked at me. I stared in his eyes and said,

"I... I want to know, what happened?" I couldn't form a perfect question while facing him.

"Well I was going to ask you to come out with me, I got permission from your brother and today is my day off but..." I gasped, making him chuckle.

"But what? Won't you take me? Please? Please don't say no..." I tried to make myself look as cute as possible, staring straight in his eyes. Adam just chuckled and started going down the stairs without giving me any response, I got embarrassed and rushed behind him down the stairs to follow him.

In my hurry, I made a mistake.

I twisted my ankle while hurrying behind him down the stairs, I screamed as soon as I felt myself falling, but I didn't get any chance to kiss the ground because Adam caught me immediately and frowned.

"Are you a small child?" Adam said while picking me up from the floor. I was completely speechless, I held him firmly around his neck and stared at his face, his expression was filled with concern and anxiety. He placed me on the couch and kneeled in front of me. He removed my soft fluffy slippers I wear at home and examined my foot for any injury or sprain.

Not only that, but he also massaged my foot and asked, "Does it hurt somewhere?" I shook my head no and smiled at his kindness and care. He stared at me and I stared back at him, my smile faltered, making him avert his eyes from me. Adam cleared his throat and said, "Go get changed, we should leave early so that we can come back early." I pouted and slowly stood up, trudging towards my room upstairs.

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