Chapter 25. I Am Coming For You

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{Author's pov}

"What is this, Brinley?" Mr. Moretti asked her. Brinley looked down at her feet and sighed, as if gaining strength to speak up.

"I'm going! To Dubai!" She exclaimed like a robot. Mrs. Moretti rubbed her forehead and sighed.

"Brinley it is very late right now. Please go to sleep. You need to get your injuries healed before we can think of you going out of the country." Grace said. Brinley was not ready to take a no for her answer.

"I'll not sleep and eat until and unless I'm given the permission to go to Dubai!" Brinley exclaimed and huffed stubbornly. Xavier chuckled and patted her head.

"You want to go?" Xavier asked her. She nodded her head agreeing in response. Xavier signalled Derek. Derek instantly understood what he was trying to convey and went in his room to pack up.

"Only for 15 days. With one condition. Stick like a magnet with your brother." Xavier said in a stern voice.

"You're coming with me?" Brinley asked, to which Xavier shook his head. "Derek will come with you. He has few days holiday before start of new semester." Derek came out with one suitcase, all packed up, with a big frown on his face.

"I will become a third-wheel between these lovebirds, for sure." Derek muttered, making Mr. Moretti cough.

"Take care of my daughter or else I'll break your legs." Mr. Moretti said while taking his wife to their room. Derek scoffed and Brinley hugged Xavier.

"Thank you Fratello... please give him a chance when he comes back with me... he has worked with you since a very long time, how could you fire him for such a dumb situation which I am responsible for..." Brinley said in a low voice. Xavier didn't respond to her request, but just patted her back softly while hugging his sister.

"C'mon, it's getting late, or just let me go to sleep in my room." Derek said in an annoyed voice. Brinley took one of her suitcase, Derek took the rest of the bags, and they left for the airport. Xavier had arranged a private jet for them previously, because it was his plan to send Brinley to Dubai with or without Adam for them to reunite. Xavier would never fire Adam from work, he was his brother after all, he has supported Xavier all the time in everything he did.

'Just you wait, Adam, I won't let you get separated from our family because of my stupidity. I am coming for you! Even if you don't want to be in a relationship with me... we could just be friends like before, I'm happy with whatever decision you make. Just be safe.' Brinley silently thought and prayed to god for his safety.

~At Allen house~

"Amelia! Wake up! You're late for your university!" Gianna shouted from the kitchen while making breakfast. "Yeah... I'm up." Amelia came out of the room in a very tired manner.

"What is it? Why do you sound so tired?" Gianna asked Amelia while coming out of the kitchen. Amelia became alert and moved a little away so that Gianna couldn't come near her. Amelia was scared she might inhale her wound scent or ointment scent and might come to know about her fight last night.

"N-no! I'm okay, just having a fatigue from all the college work and stuff." Amelia stuttered while talking, making Gianna even more suspicious. But just then the doorbell rang, Gianna slowly went to the door while Charlie barked, sensing who it was behind the door. It was 'The' Gretta!

"Oh, Welcome, Ms. Gretta please come in." Gianna was very smart, she recognized Gretta instantly by her perfume. Gretta came inside their apartment and sat on the couch. Amelia had already made a scrunched face looking at her and went ahead to shower.

"Ms. Allen, here is the rent payment for this month." Gretta said, offering Gianna an envelope while she was pouring tea in a cup for her. Gianna got confused and tilted her head.

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