Chapter 14. A Park Visit With Him

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{Author's pov}

~At school~

Amelia was going towards her building when she noticed footsteps following her. She stopped in her tracks and turned around.


"Huh? Why did you stop walking suddenly?" Derek asked Amelia in a cool and calm voice.

"... Seriously? You're asking me that? You should know that I'm supposed to ask YOU, Why are you tailing me like a dog?" Amelia sharply snapped at him, making him chuckle in amusement.

Amelia gasped and said, "You thought it was a joke? Sorry to inform you, buddy, it was not." Amelia smirked and crossed her arms confidently like she won the match against him.

"I'm a dog," Derek said with a triumph smile on his face. Amelia stared at Derek like he has gone insane.

"I'm a dog, so I can bite you right?" Derek said as he moved a little close to her. He caught hold of her arm and tugged it behind her back, making her move even closer to him.

"W-WHAT a-are you d-doing!? Let me go! People are watching! Ugh!" Amelia screamed as loudly as she could.

"Ah you're being a bit noisy, anyways don't mind them," Derek said as he tugged a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"You crazy maniac! Leave me alone!" Amelia shouted at Derek as she flung her arm from his hands and ran away at full speed. Derek stood there blankly chuckling and staring at her as she was running away from him. It was interesting for him to observe her crazy and natural way of reacting to him, other girls would always try to cling on to him and seek his attention but Amelia...she's something very different, unique, and brave woman.

~In the car~

"Gianna, if you don't mind, would you like to come with me somewhere?" Xavier asked Gianna. Gianna clutched the hem of her dress and responded with Sure.

"Okay, it'll take a while, but we will be there soon," Xavier informed her making her silently nod.

~After a while~

"We're here," Xavier said as he rushed to help Gianna out of the car.

The Sweet fragrance of flowers made Gianna smile brightly, as soon as she came out of the car. "Are we at a garden?" She asked as she could sense the sweet and beautiful fragrance of flowers from nearby. "We can say it's a garden...yes," Xavier answered her question awkwardly as he never came to a place like this with a woman before. Gianna soon heard children laughing and running around playing together. "'s a park. Wow, I hardly get a chance to come to places like this." Gianna said making Xavier scratch his head as if he was in a deep thinking process.

"If you want, we can come here daily," Xavier said making Gianna laugh at his comment. "It'll be hard for me to close my coffee shop daily," Gianna said. "Oh haha, that's true," Xavier said and chuckled. Gianna felt few stares towards her, so she looked around. "What happened?" Xavier asked her. "Oh, I think we're being watched, I can feel the stares of some people," Gianna said making Xavier raise one of his brows. Xavier looked around and spotted his men scattered all around the park in their disguises to protect their boss from any harm. They are keeping a close eye on everything around their boss. "Oh it's nothing, just some people are staring at us, we might look good couples eh?" Xavier tried joking to which Gianna started giggling.

"Xavier, can I ask you something if you don't mind?" Gianna muttered after hesitating for a while. "Sure, ask me anything, I'll try to answer all your questions," Xavier said.

"Why did you, your sister, and your brother decide to become our friends?" Gianna asked Xavier making him think for a second.

"You and Amelia?" Gianna responded with a nod at his question.

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