Chapter 1 - Miguel x Jaqu

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Ten years later, in the dragon kingdom; ten minutes before breakfast:
   Jaqu, Jackson's brother: He was asleep. In his bed. In his room that was apart of a house that was just beside the moat of the castle. He sat up and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and muttered under his breathe. There was walking outside of the bedroom. And Jaqu knew that sound. He sat up quickly and got up. And then the door opened. Jaqu was in the middle of making his bed in a rush. He slowly looked up at who was standing in his bedroom door now. It was Arlo. He blinked a couple times and started to chuckle a little.
"Heya there Arlo! Morning!" Jaqu said happily but nervously. Arlo glared at Jaqu. Jaqu stood up straight.
"Ok ok, I slept in. Sorry." Jaqu mumbled. And then Arlo walked out. Jaqu sighed. Arlo and Jackson's son Neyou rushed into the room. He was 14 now.
"Father said today has to be perfect for papa because it's his birthday." Neyou said nicely. Jaqu looked at Neyou.
"I see. Well, it could be perfect if "papa" didn't glare at me all the time." Jaqu said. Neyou snickered.
"Go tackle him then." Neyou suggested. Jaqu squinted at Neyou.
"You are a pro." Jaqu snickered. Neyou snickered too. Jaqu got dressed and he and Neyou walked into the living room.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the castle?" Jaqu asked. Jackson turned to Jaqu. He was in the kitchen talking to Arlo.
"Nah, I have the day off." Jackson said nicely before he turned to Arlo.
"So I can spend time with my Arlo." Jackson said happily. Jaqu and Neyou looked at each other and gagged.
"Oh shove it up, Jaqu. You are 19, you are single now after Miguel, and still living in this house." Jackson said aggressively. Jaqu shut up right after and he crossed his arms. Neyou turned to Jaqu.
"Yeah, you are weird now. 19 with no more lover." Neyou teased. Jaqu quickly went to grab Neyou. Neyou squealed and rushed behind Arlo.
"Coward." Jaqu said.
"Alright, just watch after Neyou for the day." Jackson asked nicely. Jaqu squinted at Jackson, looked at Jaqu, then turned to Jackson.
"No." Jaqu said.
"Why not?" Jackson asked. Jaqu smiled.
"Well, I intend to go out with friends!" Jaqu said nicely. Jackson squinted at Jaqu.
"Friends? You mean Nalina and Jordan? Or Miguel, if he still has the audacity to talk to you?" Jackson asked. Jaqu stared at Jackson in embarrassment and disappointment. Arlo crossed his arms.
"Just for the day. We'll make it up to you later." Arlo said. Jaqu glanced over at Arlo and sighed.
"Neyou, go get dressed. We are leaving now." Jaqu said. Arlo and Jackson smiled. Neyou groaned and rushed to his room.
"Thank you, Jaqu." Jackson said. Jaqu turned to Arlo. So did Jackson. Arlo squinted and then sighed.
"Thanks." Arlo said awkwardly. Jackson smiled. Jaqu blinked.
"Good enough." Jaqu said. Neyou ran back out and out the door. Jaqu groaned and rushed after Neyou. Jackson and Arlo watched the two leave. Jackson immediately turned to Arlo. Arlo looked at Jackson. Jackson quickly pulled Arlo to the bedroom.

Jaqu and Neyou walked down the street.
"Where are we going?" Neyou asked. Jaqu shrugged.
"Probably Prince Matthew and Ian's cafe." Jaqu answered. Neyou stopped and he turned to Jaqu. Jaqu stopped and turned to Neyou.
"What's wrong with you?" Jaqu questioned. Neyou trembled and he blushed a little.
"Uhm... won't that mean Damien is there?" Neyou asked nervously. Jaqu blinked a couple times and then he smirked.
"Oh, ok... I gotcha~ let's head there now to see!" Jaqu teased.
"Nope." Neyou said as he turned around. Jaqu crossed his arms.
"Oh come on." Jaqu said.
"No! I didn't try very hard on my appearance and Damien is so hott and I really like him. I don't wanna look like a fool." Neyou said worriedly, covering his face awkwardly. Jaqu looked at Neyou and sighed.
"Ok, let's see." Jaqu said, walking up to Neyou. Neyou looked up at Jaqu. Jaqu fixed up Neyou's face a bit and then he looked over at the markets. He saw a clothing trader.
"Alright, come on." Jaqu said. Neyou smiled. The two of them started over to the shop. And afterwards, Neyou looked much better then he did before.
"Alright, how's that?" Jaqu asked. Neyou was happy.
"Good! Let's go now!" Neyou cheered. He was now wearing a white sweater with black jeans and a black coat over his white sweater. He had a cute black and white clip put in the back of his head. Jaqu snickered and they left.
When they entered the cafe, Ian and Matthew were behind the counter helping a customer. And Damien was leaning on the counter waiting for a customer. Haden was also there sitting at the table with Theo and his and Logan's son Miguel. Jaqu snickered. Neyou looked at Jaqu then to Micheal.
"Oh no wonder why you came here." Neyou complained. Jaqu turned to Neyou.
"Do you want anything?" Jaqu asked. Neyou smiled.
"Yup." Neyou said. Jaqu immediately handed Neyou a dozen zeno bills.
"Alright." Jaqu said before he slithered towards Miguel. Neyou stood there in shock now. He slowly turned to Damien at the counter and then he made his way over to him. Damien saw Neyou and stood up straight.
"Hey Neyou!" Damien said. Neyou put on his facade and smiled.
"Heyo Damien!" Neyou said nicely as he glanced at the menu.
"Do you want what you normally get?" Damien asked.
"Yeahhh." Neyou said as he looked back at Damien. Damien nodded.
"Alright!" Damien cheered. Neyou smiled and handed a Zeno bill to Damien and Damien took it. Damien walked over to Matthew and then came back.
"After you get your drink, you wanna hang out with me, Jadah, and Shawn?" Damien asked curiously. Neyou smiled.
"Sure... if Jadah doesn't beat me up again." Neyou said nervously, rubbing his head. Damien smiled and nodded.
"I'll make sure he doesn't." Damien said. Neyou smiled.
"Ok!" Neyou said happily.
A little bit ago: Miguel is Haden and Logan's son. He is 17. Logan and his sister are the total definition of assholes and Haden is a hated man by man. Miguel was sitting next to Haden as he listened to Haden and Theo's conversation. They were all drinking tea. Jaqu walked over and sat next to Miguel. Theo looked at Jaqu. So did Haden and Miguel.
"Good morning, Jaqu." Haden said.
"Good morning, Haden, Theo." Jaqu cheered. Then he looked at Miguel. He smiled.
"Good morning, Miguel~" Jaqu said softly. Jaden and Theo smiled. Miguel glared at Jaqu. Jaqu continued to hold his smile. Miguel stood up and took one last drink of his tea. He set it down and sighed. Then he turned to Jaqu. Jaqu looked up at Miguel. Miguel quickly swung his foot and hit one of the chair legs. It broke and Jaqu flinched. He fell down on the ground. Theo and Haden watched Jaqu fall and they chuckled. Miguel sat back down.
"You are fixing that, Miguel." Ian spoke out. Miguel sighed and turned to Haden. Jaqu got up slowly.
"Alright, you are still mad-" Jaqu said nervously.
"Oh, yes. Very." Haden said nicely. Jaqu looked at Haden then to Miguel. He rubbed his head and walked over to Neyou. Miguel was trying to just stare at his tea but he broke and looked up at Jaqu. He frowned and his eyes slid back down. Haden and Theo looked at Miguel and then they turned to each other.
Jaqu walked up to Neyou. Neyou had his drink. Damien was just now taking his apron off.
"You ready to go?" Jaqu asked. Neyou looked at Jaqu.
"Nah. Ima hang out with Damien and his cousins. I'll be back at the end of the day." Neyou said nicely. Jaqu frowned immediately. Damien hugged Matthew and Ian goodbye and he left with Neyou. Jaqu sighed and then he left. Miguel turned and watched Jaqu leave. He turned forward and sat there for a second. Then he turned to Haden. Haden took a sip of tea.
"I'm gonna stay here for a little while longer so you can go first... if you want." Haden said curiously. Miguel looked at Haden.
"If I step out that door, Jaqu will be all over me." Miguel spoke.
"We believe he might do more than just that, Miguel." Theo said. Miguel looked at Theo then to Haden. Haden nodded and tilted his head to the door.
"Get out of here." Haden said. And Miguel quickly left. He rushed out the door. He looked to the left and right then he heard a rock flick behind him. He flinched and slowly turned around. Jaqu was leaning on the wall directly next to the door. And he had a smirk on his face.
"Called it." Jaqu said. Miguel glared at him and then he started to walk off. Jaqu frowned and rushed after him.
"Miguel-" Jaqu started to say.
"Why'd you do it? What did I do to make you wanna treat me like that?" Miguel asked. Jaqu stopped walking. So did Miguel. They stared at each other.
"You didn't-" Jaqu started.
"Fuck— it was the sex wasn't it. You didn't like it. I said it was first time! Mm— wait, you said it was great... i didn't do anything wrong did I! You are just an asshole! GOD DAMNIT." Miguel yelled in anger. Jaqu frowned and looked down.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I am an asshole. And I do feel horrible for hurting you. It was an accident." Jaqu explained.
"AN ACCIDENT?! You call kissing a girl while we were together... An ACCIDENT?!" Miguel screamed in anger. Jaqu looked down.
"I don't have an excuse you'll believe so-" Jaqu started.
"Just say the truth! Why?!" Miguel yelled. Jaqu stared at Miguel.
"That day— we went to the village markets as a walking date... but we had a limited amount of money. I had been looking through the... well, the engagement rings area— and I wanted to get one for you. But i didn't have enough so I asked the woman how to do extensions on prices. She said she'd give it for free if we kissed." Jaqu explained calmly, changing the situation. Miguel's jaw dropped.
"I love you a lot and if someone offers me a free diamond, I would take it..." Jaqu said. Miguel squinted at Jaqu.
"You are an idiot." Miguel said before he turned around. Jaqu looked at the ground.
"I agree. I am an idiot all the time." Jaqu said softly. Miguel shook his head in disappointment. Jaqu frowned.
"I'm sorry, Miguel." Jaqu said. Miguel looked at Jaqu.
"I forgive you." Miguel said. Jaqu flinched and he looked up at Miguel.
"Eh?" Jaqu mumbled.
"Just, don't ever kiss someone else ever again, even for free shit." Miguel demanded. Jaqu smiled and walked up to Miguel. He put his hands on Miguel's cheeks.
"Promise." Jaqu said. Miguel blushed and he nodded. Jaqu smiled.
"And... why would you think the sex is why I'd do that?! You think I'd be that low?! You were frikin amazing the last time we did it." Jaqu cried. Miguel quickly slapped Jaqu across the face.
"Fuck off." Miguel said strictly before he left. Jaqu smiled.
"I'm sneaking into your room tonight!" Jaqu yelled.
"I said fuck off!" Miguel screamed. Jaqu snickered.

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