Chapter 42 - Evelyn x Natasha

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   One month later: it was closing time at Shawna's and Evelyn and Kanna were the only ones left working. Corey was sitting at a booth waiting for Kanna. Kanna and Evelyn were cleaning up tables. Kanna finished up one table and tossed the rag down. He looked up and sighed.
"I think it's fine now, Evelyn. You can go on home." Kanna said. Evelyn finished a table and then stood up straight.
"Alright. I'll lock up." Evelyn said. Kanna smiled as she took her apron off.
"Thank you Evelyn." Kanna said before she left with Corey. Evelyn finished up cleaning the tables and then she left. She locked the doors up and she stretched her arms. She intended to go to the bar to see Wolfe but she stopped when she saw Natasha. Natasha stood waiting next to the door. She was wearing a black tight dress to match her ego of course. And she had a dark green corset overtop which made her breasts pop. She looked at Evelyn.
"Going out for a beer?" Natasha asked. Evelyn blushed and crossed her arms.
"I guess I'm not anymore." Evelyn said. Natasha smiled and turned around.
"I guess not." Natasha said. Evelyn smiled.
"Natasha, are you really gonna make me say it, again?" Evelyn asked. Natasha started walking. Evelyn sighed and she looked at the ground.
"Natasha, I want you." Evelyn spoke. Natasha stopped walking and she turned to Evelyn. Evelyn looked at Natasha. Natasha grinned.
"How much?" Natasha asked. Evelyn sighed.
"A whole lot." Evelyn answered. Natasha grinned and she walked forward to Evelyn. She walked up to Evelyn and put her hands on her cheeks.
"Me too." Natasha said. Evelyn chuckled and she grabbed Natasha's waist. She pulled her up to her and held her there sternly. Natasha blushed and she went to oneup Evelyn. So she lifted her leg. Evelyn grabbed her leg quickly and yanked her leg more. Natasha gasped and she blushed. Evelyn smiled and leaned forward. She kissed Natasha. Natasha returned the kiss. And then they pulled away.
"One of these days?" Natasha asked.
"Yes." Evelyn said. Natasha nodded.

   These two have liked each other for 3 years and they've been fighting for a relationship for so long. And it finally happened last month. They got together and are in a health, yet slightly dramatic relationship.

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