Chapter 12 - Wayd x Thomas

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Back in the wolf realm: it was Wayd's 17th birthday. He sat up from bed, got dressed, and rushed downstairs. He saw his parents and he hugged them from behind.
"GUESS WHAT!" Wayd squealed. Carson and Joshua smiled.
"Happy birthday Wayd!" Carson cheered. Wayd smiled and stood up straight. Joshua smiled.
"Hey, wanna come to the restaurant today. Jacob wanted to work today." Joshua asked.
"Making him work on his birthday? Nah, I have an idea for him." Cherry said. Wayd smiled and turned away.
"Nah. I got plans! I'll see you all at dinner!" Wayd cheered.
"Don't forget to eat breakfast and lunch! Happy birthday." Joshua called out.
"Byeee!" Wayd yelled before he left the castle. And then he started towards the kingdom to meet up with two of his friends whom he suspected Micah was with already. Thomas was waiting for Gwen to get to the restaurant. He was sitting outside the restaurant with his older sister Karmin. Wayd ran passed some people and before he passed the restaurant, he slowed down in front of Xian's shop because Xian ushered him in. Karmin glanced over and saw Wayd.
"Say, tisnt that Joshi's little boy?" Karmin asked. Thomas wasn't really caring of his sister but he heard Joshi's little boy and he looked up at Karmin. He turned to Xian's shop and he saw Wayd. Thomas stood up really quickly with a gasp. Karmin looked at Thomas.
"What's up with you?" Karmin asked. Thomas searched his pocket and found a couple zenos. He smiled and rushed off. Karmin just crumbled in exhaustion. Thomas had run over to a flower shop and bought flowers in Wayd's favorite color. And then he rushed back. Wayd smiled and hugged Xian and then waved goodbye to Carol who was inside. Then he left. Karmin was sitting and waiting when she saw Thomas run up to Wayd with a bunch of silver green flowers.
"Wayd!" Thomas called out. Wayd immediately stopped when he heard Thomas's voice. He felt like his day was ruined. He turned around and saw Thomas catch up with him.
"What is it?" Wayd asked nervously. Thomas smiled and held the bouquet in front of him.
"Uhm—" Thomas didn't know what to say. Wayd looked at Thomas's nervous eyes and then to the flowers. He glanced back to Thomas.
"Are these for me?" Wayd asked. Thomas nodded.
"Eh... for— Happy birthday." Thomas said nervously and awkwardly. Wayd slowly smiled.
"You remembered my birthday?" Wayd questioned happily. Thomas shrugged. Wayd smiled and looked at the flowers.
"Do me a favor, hold onto these for me till later and I'll come back for them. I got plans with some friends so I can't carry them around all day." Wayd explained. Thomas nodded.
"Have a good birthday." Thomas said. Wayd nodded.
"Thanks Thomas." Wayd said. Thomas blushed and he went to speak but then he looked down. Wayd took Thomas's cheek and kissed it.
"Thank you. Really." Wayd said. Thomas smiled and he looked at Wayd. Wayd waved goodbye and then he left. Thomas sighed in relief. He closed his eyes and turned to the restaurant. Karmin was infuriated but she acted as if nothing was wrong and that she saw nothing. Thomas walked back over and sat down happily.

   Wayd ran down until he got to the fork roads in the kingdom. He smiled when he saw Micah with three others.
"Hi hi!" Wayd yelled out. Micah looked at Wayd.
"Happy birthday!" Micah yelled out. One of the others bowed to Wayd.
"Happy birthday, Prince Wayd." The guy said. Wayd squinted at the boy.
"Ew, don't do that Roger." Wayd said then he turned to his two friends. Roger is Damon and Kain's son. And a reminder, Damon and Kain are Melio and Caleb's personal guards. Roger was training to become a guard just as Damon and Kain to protect Austin. Him and Austin were very close since they met so Austin only trusted him to protect him. The other two there was Gavyn and Lilith. Micah and Gavyn were very "close".
"Happy birthday, Wayd." Gavyn said. Wayd smiled.
"Let's go get breakfast! I'm starved and y'all are paying!" Wayd cheered. They all laughed.

   Several hours later... it was awhile after lunch. Micah and Roger left and Wayd was headed back to the castle. But right before, he stopped at Gwen's restaurant. But it said closed and the doors were locked. He looked inside through the door window and he saw Karmin and Gwen. He flinched and ducked behind the wall. He looked through the front window and watched them. Karmin was staring at Thomas who was putting chairs up on the table. Wayd smiled when he saw Thomas and then he saw his flowers. They were in a vase of water to stay healthy. Then he saw Karmin. Karmin whispered to Gwen as she glared at Thomas. He watched Gwen's face go from tired to angry quickly. Gwen's eyes widened and he glared at Thomas.
"THOMAS!" Gwen screamed. Thomas flinched and turned to Gwen. He put the chair up on the table and walked over to the counter.
"Yeah?" Thomas asked. Gwen walked around the counter and grabbed Thomas's ears before he slammed his face on the counter. Thomas's eyes widened and his tail dropped.
"DAD?!" Thomas screamed.
"ARE YOU DATING THE MITCHAL KID?!" Gwen screamed. Thomas froze.
"N-No—" Thomas mumbled. Wayd was in shock. Gwen let go of Thomas's ears and then he pulled him up. And then he threw him to the ground harshly. Thomas turned around and scooted away quickly in fear.
"KARMIN SAW HIM KISS YOUR CHEEK AND YOU GAVE HIM FLOWERS?!" Gwen screamed loudly. Thomas's ears dropped and he glanced at the flowers in the face quickly then back to Gwen. Gwen's eyes went evil like and he turned to the flowers.
"What's so wrong with liking someone?!" Thomas cried. Gwen laughed and then he rushed up to the vase. Thomas's eyes widened again.
"WAIT N-" Thomas started to scream. Gwen grabbed the vase and threw it on the ground. Thomas flinched. Gwen stepped on the flowers aggressively and destroyed them. And now there was glass everywhere. Gwen went back to Thomas. Thomas quickly backed away, being terrified. Gwen grabbed Thomas's hair and pulled him back to the broken glass. Thomas started to cry.
"PLEASE STOP! IM SORRY!" Thomas cried. Gwen stopped and he picked up a piece of broken glass. Thomas's eyes almost turned red. He screamed in pain as Gwen sliced open both of Thomas's wrists. And right below that was several more scars of cuts. And Wayd was so shocked that he backed away from the restaurant in shock and worry. He covered his mouth.

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