Chapter 17 - Pluto x Dominic (Part 1)

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One month of training hard. The next gen and current gen of shadow guards both trained together to take out the shadow guards of the originals. And it was gonna be hard. But intentionally, Pluto didn't try hard but emotionally, he did. And finally, the day came. Justin came with William and their daughter Hira. And Justin went right to work. And bystanders were welcome. And by bystanders, they meant the progress check would be held outside in the freezing winter. This was to strain everyone and make it harder for any of them. And anyone was welcome to watch, they just couldn't interrupt. So they all stood outside the castle. Avery was busy but Megan was not so she went to observe. Others such as Theo, Clover, Gem, Arlo and Neyou, Tobias and Jordan, Miguel, Royal, Reo and Jace, Evelyn, Jadah, Wolfe, Peter, Jose and Zhenya were all there to observe family and friends fight. Others such as people from the kingdom came to watch for fun or for curiosity.

Theo looked at Pluto. Pluto looked frightened. He turned to Ryke. Ryke was talking to the original shadow guards. He frowned and made his way pushing through the crowd. When he got to the edge, he looked at Ryke.
"Ryke!" Theo yelled. Ryke turned to Theo then point at Piper. Then he made his way over to Theo.
"What is it?" Ryke asked nicely. Theo glared at Ryke and pointed at Pluto.
"Don't make him do this." Theo demanded. Ryke looked over at Pluto.
"This is the last one. After today, we all know he's gonna leave the shadow guard." Ryke said calmly.
"He's already here, Ryke. He's already here. And Pluto knows that. He can see him from where he is." Theo said worriedly. Ryke frowned and took Theo's hands.
"This one will make him understand. He'll be done." Ryke said softly. Theo frowned and looked down. He nodded and took a breathe in.
"I'm rooting for you." Theo said. Ryke smiled and leaned over. He pecked Theo on the lips.
"You better." Ryke snickered. Theo chuckled.

    The man whom they spoke of was Jamison, Pluto's biological, narcissistic father. He lived in the kingdom. Tis why Pluto wanted to be someone who people admired and loved so that he could get attention from his father just once. And they were true. Jamison was there and he was looked around. That was why Pluto was freaking out. Haru, Nalina, Phillip, and Rory were on the side. Haru and Nalina were there for any emergencies and to run trips to and from the castle. Rory and Phillip were there taking notes and keeping up with the events that were about to take place. And Damien was there to go over the brackets. The brackets went Jackson/Pluto, Mateo/Dominic, Ryke/Jaqu, Piper/Ezra, Justin/Coco, Atlas/Benny, Jax/Elijah, Karon/Jenna, Henry/Rayna, Yizen/Olivia, Ren/Jonas, Duke/Timothy, Ramon/Berry, and Luna/Iza.

   Pluto stared right at Jamison. He was white from fear. He backed up slowly and ran into Jaqu. Jaqu flinched and looked at Pluto. He frowned.
"Pluto?" Jaqu whispered. Pluto trembled and turned around. Jaqu frowned and looked up. Theo saw this and he covered his mouth in worry.
"Oh god." Theo mumbled. Pluto walked back. He was gonna run away and Dominic saw this. He quickly blocked Pluto.
"Don't." Dominic said. Pluto looked at Dominic and that's how Dominic could tell that Pluto was scared. But it wasn't a fear of nervousness but of something else. Dominic immediately frowned.
"Hey— what's wrong?" Dominic questioned quietly. Pluto went to leave but Dominic stopped him. Pluto started to cry.
"Let me go..." Pluto pleaded. Dominic took Pluto's shoulders and felt the shaking.
"What's wrong?" Dominic questioned. Pluto trembled and dropped to the ground. He covered his head and he started to cry. Theo trembled and turned to Ryke. Dominic knelt down.
"Pluto." Dominic whispered.
"He's here." Pluto said quietly. Dominic already had a feeling of who. He slowly stood up and looked around the crowd. He saw Jamison and frowned. Just the way that Jamison was acting and looking already showed Dominic that he didn't give a shit about what was happening. He frowned and looked down at Pluto. But Pluto was t there. He flinched and turned around. He saw Pluto rush off to the castle. Dominic scoffed and turned back around. He nudged Elijah.
"Who's first?" Dominic asked. Elijah looked at Dominic.
"Atlas and Benny." Elijah said.
"When does Pluto go?" Dominic asked. Elijah squinted at Dominic.
"He goes during the fourth round, and then it's your turn." Elijah explained. Dominic nodded.
"Good." Dominic said before he rushed after Pluto. Elijah blinked and then slumped back, only to stair at Haru.

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