Chapter 10 - Peter x Jadah

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In the dragon realm... Matthew and Ian's shared home with the twins and their families was in the next village over from the kingdom, to the north east. Everyday, Matthew, Ian, and Damien would leave to the kingdom for their family owned cafe. In the house hold was Matthew, Ian, Damien... Yin, Mio, and Shawn... and Onyx, Aiden, and Jadah. Jadah was now the oldest of the household. Shawn being 15, Damien is 16, and Jadah is now 17 that day. Only two miles out of the village that this big family lived at was Queen Megan's brothers property. Megan's little brother Lionel, his husband Jaden, and his two children Wolfe, at age 16, and Peter at age 18. And Jadah was in love with Peter. Lionel and Jaden were pretty wealthy because of their savings so they managed to buy several acres of property and now they own a little farm of cattle, chickens, pigs, and horses.
The morning of Jadah's 17th birthday: Jadah yawned S he sat up. He just woke up. He squeezed his eyes shut and then reopened this. Jadah liked to be different do his hair was a mix of dark and light purple. But he was born with a darker colored pale skin. And his eyes were dark brown, the same as his natural hair color. And he dressed differently then most people too. Not to mention that he had long enough hair to put it into a high ponytail. He stood up and made his bed before he went to a mirror. He fixed his hair into a messy bun and then got dressed. Then he put on a couple rings and necklaces to look more authentic. He cleaned up his face and then he grabbed sunglasses and a jacket. He left his room and shut the door. He went to the kitchen.
"Morning." Jadah said as he put his coat on. Onyx and Aiden looked at their son. Aiden was making breakfast for everyone. Onyx was at the table.
"Morning Jadah!" Onyx cheered. Matthew and Ian were at the table waiting for food. Damien was setting the table while Shawn put napkins and silverware down. Yin was also sitting at the table. And then Mio rushed out.
"I'm late for work. I'm sorry for missing breakfast Aiden." Mio called out as he kissed Shawn's forehead. Then he pecked Yin's lips. He looked over at Jadah.
"Happy birthday, Jadah." Mio said before he left. Jadah flinched and looked over at the door.
"Do you want anything for your birthday, Jadah?" Aiden asked curiously. Jadah put his classes on and he fixed his jacket.
"Peter." Jadah said nonchalantly. Aiden smiled in awkwardness.
"Oh, and a day off from work." Jadah said as he pushed his glasses down a little. Onyx sighed.
"Well, let's have lunch at that little outdoor restaurant to celebrate your birthday." Onyx said.
"Alright." Jadah said with a smile.
"Well, it's time to make your grand exit. Peter's riding his horse out in the open fields. You can see him from here." Shawn said as he peered out the window of the dining room.
"That's because his fathers property is connected to ours. We share, remember?" Yin said. Jadah smiled and pushed his glasses back. He put his hood on over his messy bun.
"Alright, love you dad, papa. See you two at lunch. Damien, you tagging along?" Jadah asked.
"Hell yes. Neyou's out today." Damien said as he quickly finished setting the table.
"Have a good morning." Onyx said as Damien and Jadah left.
In the fields, Peter was riding his black colored horse. He was ripped and very responsible because of the farm chores. He was the definition of attractive. Clear white skin, short light brown hair, and blue eyes. He stopped the horse when he saw Jadah and Damien leaving their house. Peter looked at Jadah and he smiled.
"Heeya!" Peter said to the horse and the horse bolted off.
Jadah and Damien stopped and watched Peter leave.
"Mm... let's go get a wagon." Jadah said. Damien looked at Jadah.
"We are only three miles out of the kingdom." Damien said in complaint. Jadah groaned.
"If I'm late to work-" Jadah started.
"Who says you will?" Evelyn called out. Jadah and Damien turned forward. Evelyn was sitting in a wagon with Jordan. Jadah smiled.
"Happy birthday!" Jordan and Evelyn yelled happily. Jadah smiled and looked at Damien. Damien rolled his eyes. And then Jadah and Damien got on the wagon.
"Yay, I don't gotta walk to work." Jadah cheered. Damien laid down in the back of the wagon with Jordan.
"So you came out here just for me?" Jadah asked.
"Hell yeah! You my bestie! Ima try to get you outta work." Evelyn said. Jadah snickered.
"Yes please." Jadah said. And then Evelyn hit the reins. The two horses moved out.
The wagon pulled into the kingdom and then stopped at Shawna's restaurant. Jadah and Damien hopped out.
"I gotta take Jordan to the kingdom and return the wagon. I'll see you in a little." Evelyn exclaimed.
"Alright. See you soon." Jadah said. Evelyn smiled and hit the reins again. Jadah looked at Damien.
"See you later." Jadah said.
"Bye. Happy birthday!" Damien said nicely. Jadah waved goodbye and then he turned to Shawna's. He walked inside and he took his glasses off. Nalina was cleaning a couple tables. And now Natasha worked there. She was giving an order to a couple people at the table. Jadah sighed and took his coat off. He walked over and set his things in the back. He went to grab an apron but then Evelyn barreled into the doors.
"KANNA!" Evelyn screamed. Jadah looked at Evelyn.
"I thought you were gonna-" Jadah started to speak then Kanna walked into the room from the kitchen. He stared at Evelyn.
"Yes?" Kanna asked strictly. Evelyn smiled.
"Let Jadah have the day off." Evelyn pleaded. Kanna rose an eyebrow and turned to Jadah. Jadah's jaw was dropped.
"Jadah?" Kanna questioned. Jadah turned to Kanna quickly.
"It's his birthday! Let him off just for today please!" Evelyn pleaded. Kanna chuckled and turned to Evelyn.
"Alright, I would love that for Jadah. So you'll take his chores today as well." Kanna said, pointing at Evelyn. Evelyn smiled happily.
"Deal. BE FREE JADAH!" Evelyn squealed. Jadah started to laugh and his grabbed his coat and glasses.
"Thank you Evy!" Jadah cheered before he left. He put his coat on and then his glasses. And then Jordan was there.
"She changed her mind?" Jadah asked. Jordan shrugged.
"Let's hangout." Jordan said.
"Goodie." Jadah said.

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